34 - Envies

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Can shit just be about boundaries

and personal feelings?

Why does it always have to be 

that someone has done something

worthy of a public hanging,

or bridge-burning,

or yet another fuckin' fight 

that will carry throughout the night 

until we wake up the next morning

wondering why this ever fuckin' happened?

Until years later

we can finally look each other in the eyes again 

and take back all the things we ever said.

In a fit of insecurity, 

you flew off the handle at me,

and I felt like lightning

ready to torch you.

But why can't we make things

about what we want,

instead of tackling each other down-

Tackling another human, 

as though they were the enemy

without their own traumas and envies. 

the Dawning of Rage (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now