47 - Google Chrome

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I sit in front 

of the laptop's burning desire

to toy with me 

at unexpected times 

when I'm not the most optimistic 

and full of energy

for such things to go haywire. 

Memories of perfume

remind me not to lose my cool,

but I do start to fume.

'Are you really 

going to do this 

to me, right now?'

I ask the computer

as a whole window 

of seventy-two tabs on Google Chrome

begins to disintegrate. 

'Oh, yes,' such a computer 

begins to retaliate. 

'you bet your ass

I'm doin' this,

because nothing fills me 

with more joy, you see,

than to annoy 

dumb boys --

like yourself --

who always expect me 

to be invincible 

to the slings and arrows

of a million fuckin' tabs 

opened up in one window!' 

the Dawning of Rage (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now