36 - Don't Wanna Admit

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I don't wanna admit

that I might be passive-aggressive

'cause such a diagnosis 

has never meant supportiveness,

since, clearly, I'd need it. 

It meant a term 

often used be people who 

want nothing more than to

accuse and gaslight 

a poor man who's just

struggling to articulate his birthright-

His god-given right 

to say that he's just upset.

That he's uncomfortable-

And what do you do?

Blow it off

until it stews 

under the surface,

and when it comes out --

as it inevitably would, 

as though you really thought it wouldn't --

you fill'em up with guilt

so that way 

you'll never be touched with it. 

That feeling that he feels

where he's not allowed to feel 

too uncomfortable here.

Great, I hope you're happy. 

the Dawning of Rage (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now