22 - Owing

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I am deeply

in a state of apathy 

for your protest 

of saying 

how you don't 'owe me',

as though that will change my feelings 

on how unkind your tendencies 

can be. 

I'm a man of virtues, thus

I want it to be as ubiquitous as the Earth's crust 

that supportive leanings 

are the glue which hold us all together

because we are a community.

Yes, therefore, 

I will feel angry, 

like a tectonic wave

over a crowded shore,

when you glare at or push me,


that I can use 

the same rhetoric, too,

for it is also I 

who doesn't owe jack-shit to you,

dear friend,

so you can kindly --

ever so politely -- 

fuck off. 

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