28 - How Proud I Was

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I actually let you in

and showed you what it was like

to cry in unison. 

We actually danced

as though we meant it,

but then 

you decided -- 

maybe, you always knew -- 

that I'd be no good,

but not just for you. 

You made me 

out to be the incarnation of ugly. 

I was emotionally 

brutalized, as though you 

were my sexy, little doll in our privacy 

and I was your idiotic sidekick 

in public. 

I didn't matter-

I was your hideous project. 

Nothing was ever your fault, 

was it? 

Instead, every lesson 

was about how I was too jagged 

and not good enough 

to be considered 

a man in a jacket. 

You humiliated me

and punched down

when all I wanted to do

was cling to you 

and tell you how proud 

I was. 

the Dawning of Rage (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now