8 - Ophelia, Hamlet

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If she's Ophelia 

Then, damn, 

I am Hamlet,

bursting through Denmark and 

destroying Polonius. 

I wanna tear the curtains 

from this city which sleeps away

its potential, how lazy. 

These people vex themselves 

over the decay of 

their own self-improvements. 

They hide like weak zombies, 

and I'm disenchanted 

because I have my needs 

that I can't just set aside. 

I'm the fire 

that will storm through 

and eat alive 

all the weakness in this town. 

When I look at you, I 

smell fear in your blood. 

You don't deserve that crown!

You're a fake, 

and I'm here 

to set the record straight.

I will stop you from your 

descent into madness, 

even if it means that 

I become mad for a bit. 

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