41 - Frozen

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Stuck in the past

like waves that have

frozen beneath the moon. 

Eyes so blue

yet you always

keep your eyes to me

with a vicious glare

like I'm supposed to think 

that you're scary

when I really

feel the need

to divert the impulse 

of smashing a fist 

through a fuckin' wall. 


That is the word 

which describes you well,

because you know 

that you're health 

has become like hell. 

You do not have power

in this realm of infinity. 

Tonight, you will fall asleep

and be plagued 

with panic and stress,

because your dreams

will be full of threats

and figures from the dead.

Decay, disease, and flushed expressions

will lead you to fall to your feeble knees

and come to a concession, 

because you cannot survive. 

the Dawning of Rage (poetry)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt