17 - Obsessed

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I've yet to comprehend 

the extent of my obsession-

Loving all your pictures

and texts without question, 

but I've started to notice...

a quirk 

in the new solution,

where I keep inviting

disturbing compulsions. 

Every time you slip out 

of that work-uniform 

into something that 

reminds me of being born,

I get the feeling

that I desperately need 

to channel my brokenhearted knee-

jerk reactions into something, 

even when I'd 

rather not. When I feel 

too calm, 

or tired, but 

the burning gets too hot?

I hate this! 

I'm stuck between 

the asphalt and grease,

caught in the emotions 

of feeling on the border,

or just plainly, shamelessly obsessing. 

I hear the little voices now -- 

the demons calling me out --

forcing my hand down over my lap.

I just wanna tap 

my hands like a drummer-boy

whenever I see you all dolled up 

and lookin' like some sex-toy.

Can I make it fuckin' stop?

You don't seem to know how I 

get obsessed 

and how quick it seems to turn heads,

as though I were Borderline. 

the Dawning of Rage (poetry)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora