12 - Irritable

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I'm so 


but baby,

I need 

your attention,


I don't feel 

like I got style,

and I can't control 

when I go wild. 

Although, I know

I won't snap 

if I'm constantly 

so damn, fuckin' snappy. 

I'm surprised, 

I'm taken aback 

by my own loud mouth 

and hostile attack. 

Jekyll wrestles Hyde, 

then we make up!

I must seem quite weird, 

but that was just

a moment ago, 

so let's move on!

No need to be 

too scared of the heat,

because the cells in my body 

will just explode, regardless

of whether you're happy 

or getting on my case for business.

You think you can get worse than this?

I'll just build 

more stonewalls than Mr. Jackson. 

the Dawning of Rage (poetry)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum