25 - Traps & Tariffs

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I'm often annoyed

at how our schedules 

play against one another,

and you leave me 

in the dust

as I try and reclaim 

what I once thought 

was everything I had 

ever wanted for the both of us. 

I put myself out there,

spewing words and letters

in the name of such exertions,

so that I may be a team-player,

but nothing is ever simple, is it? 

Such technologies

conspire against me 

when I foolishly think 

that I can work with the current


that I've come to functionally know.

The world outside,

at least in the 'winter-time',

is one of unpredictability

which doesn't soothe me 

and tries to enact traps and tariffs 

on my feelings. 

the Dawning of Rage (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now