Chapter 25: Researching into the Past

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(song - A Long Story, Shiki Tv sountrack)

Chapter 25 - Researching into the Past



"And?" Emmett grinned wickedly, flashing his teeth at me.

I sat on the couch, still wearing my jeans and funneral top look. In my hands was a styrofoam cup with a red straw sticking out of it. I was currently drinking the liquid inside of it slowly.

"It tassst gd." I murmured, the straw still in my mouth.

"I can't hear you." He teased me.

I pulled away from my drink."Oh, shut up."

Emmett chuckled and walked away. Yesterday, he'd had to hold me down as Edward forced me to drink my first cup of blood. I realized now that I could have broken free of their grip, seeing that I was even stronger than muscles, but I hadn't thought of it. After the first couple drops had landed in my mouth, I was surprised to find that the liquid tasted like fruit punch. It was my favorite gas station beverage strangely.

Of course, Carlisle had to give an explanation for everything. He theorized that my body tricked me into getting the substance that I needed by telling me it tasted like something else. Yet another thing that I didn't want to know about my body. I didn't care as long as the blood packets kept tasting like fruit punch.

I finished my second cup without as much struggle as the first time, setting it down on the kitchen counter for Esme to take care of it.

"Hey, maybe next time you can come out with us and wrestle a mountain lion?" Emmett called from across the livingroom.

He was standing next to Jasper who looked like he was trying to keep himself from laughing.

"....A what now?" I blinked, my head snapping back to look at him in confusion.

Muscles grinned once again."A mountain lion, you know? A very big cat?"

"" I replied."Are you crazy?" I teased before walking away.

I left the livingroom and went to the bathroom to check my teeth. They were probably stained red and I didn't want to walk around the house with red teeth all day long. I closed the door behind me, locking it out of habit.

The strange thing was when I went to check them, they were as pearly white as ever. I only noticed one difference. My canines and cuspid canines were much sharper (The cuspid canine is the teeth right before your molars on the lower jaw). Their points were much sharper than I remembered them. I disregarded it and left the bathroom.

I found Carlisle studying in the library at a table. Alice, Edward, and Bella were also helping him. Esme moved across the room, removing and putting back books. I walked over and looked over Bella's shoulder, who was busy surfing the web on a laptop computer. She'd bookmarked a lot of sites that she visited and was currently flying through google to see if she could find anything else.

A lot of the topics saved on the desktop included the word 'vampire' in them.

Carlisle noticed me and put down his book."Sorry Lilia, we haven't been able to find anything."

"That's okay." I replied nonchalantly."It doesn't matter. For all we know, I'm the first of my kind." I reasoned.

"That could be true." The doctor agreed with me, but picked up his book.

He began flipping through the pages of it. I was about to walk away when his hand hesitated. My foot froze and I set it back down by my right.

"Did you find something?" I asked.

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