Chapter 10: New Scenery

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(song - Nights in White Satin from Dark Shadows)

Chapter 10 - New Scenery


I woke up and imediately sat up, shaking off my drowsiness in anticipation that the papers would be here. Like I thought, they were sitting on the floor. One of the hotel staff must have slid it underneath the door. 

I picked them up and carried the large envelope back so I could sit down on the bed to open them.

"What is that?" Tiernam asked. I hadn't even noticed that he was awake.

Not so surprisingly, Karissa was still awake. She hadn't taken my advice. I sighed and answered the guy's question, "Papers to a nearby house." I said nonchalantly. "We can't stay at this hotel forever. It's not safe and sooner or later, the staff would notice our odd schedule." I added.

"How'd you get them?" He asked, looking at the papers as if they were a foreign object.

I looked at him with one eyebrow raised. "I have my connections." I replied in a very dubious tone and a hint of a smile on my lips.

Tiernam only smirked at my joke, but Karissa didn't seem very happy. She probably thought she was the only adult in the room. I looked eighteen, but in actuality I was twenty two. A whole year older than her. In fact, if I was still a human and not an Alp I could have graduated from the same colledge with her in the same year. But I'd given up those thoughts. No point in wishing what could have been.

"When are we going to this house?" Karissa asked, still looking annoyed at the two of us.

"Right as soon as the both of you pack my bags for me." I said with a grin.

Once again, she was not happy, "What do you mean your bags?" She frowned.

"Exactly what I said," I countered, "You two don't have any bags because I literally picked you guys off the street. I, on the other hand, was actually staying in this hotel before, scouring the area for the guy who....well, in short, messed you guys up." I gestured with my hands out in front of me, making circles at them.

"But you found him, didn't you?" Karissa replied confused, ignoring my purposeful childness. "I mean, you got the officer to arrest him and take him to jail. What are we still doing around here?" She asked.

Tiernam jumped into the conversation before I could open my mouth,"She mentioned something about a guy named Deus, I think?" He told her, then looked over to me for comfromation.

"Yeah. Deus is the guy who is above the guy who turned you guys into Alps." I explained in a very confusing way.

"Right...." the other woman muttered, "And so what are we going to do against him?" She said, her voice sounding like she was bent on getting straight answers.

"The plan is, " I began and I could sense them both lean towards me in anticipation. I laughed, "If you know me by now, there is no plan. I tend to go with what I get and make stuff up along the way." 

They both leaned back in their seats, disappointed. "That's it?" Karissa snapped, "You're going to just go in without knowing how to defeat this Deus person and hope you win?" She stared at me angerly.

"Pretty much." I shrugged. "It worked for me once. Why not do the same thing again?" 

She shook her head and muttered, "You're crazy."

"Actually, that debate is still going on." I replied with a grin. "Emmett and I are in a tie right now. Edwardo refuses to cast his vote."

Tiernam snorted, which earned him a harsh glance from Karissa. "I think what she's trying to say," he defended himself while speaking to her, "Is that we shouldn't take things so serious right now. We should try and have fun before things get tough."

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