Silence ✔

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It is late Saturday afternoon Tess rings again. "He will not take no for an answer, and he even offered you more money."

"Tess, tell him no, just tell him I have got another client. Make up an excuse, please."

"Okay, I will tell, him." God this man is driving me crazy, I need time off just like the next person. Roll on Monday cannot believe I am wishing it is Monday. I have decided to try to get through this term, there is only four weeks left then a break for two weeks, which I had already told Tess I wanted off, it would give me time to get all my assignments done before the summer term starts. Looking at my watch, only seven o'clock could make my way to see Brandon he is working in the pub around the corner. 

I have been in there a few times sit talked to him, he is sweet really. He is very tall, he must be at least six-foot-six athletic build with muscles, he did attend the same school as me we had lessons together, but we never spoke, he always hung with the cool kids, but sometimes I would catch him looking at me, out the corner of my eye. He broke up with his girlfriend about three months ago now he seems to attract all the women I do not look at him that way, to me he is just a cool guy I know is nice to talk to. Grabbing my bag keys walk to the pub. Brandon looks at me walking up to the bar pours me a coke. He knows I do not drink; he thinks it is funny that a twenty-one-year-old does not drink.

"Hi Brandon, have you had a good day."

"Not too bad, I will be finished at eight, so I will sit with you keep you company."

"Okay, I will grab a table." Looking around the bar see a booth table, perfect, it is more enclosed, so we can talk. Brandon knows what I do in the evenings, only because about two and a half months ago Brandon was doing bar work at a company party, I attended with a very nice middle age gent, who now asks for me twice a month to company him for dinner. Sitting waiting for Brandon getting that feeling again, of someone watching me, look at Brandon but he is busy serving. No one can actually see me here unless they stood by the bar or stood by the gents' toilets. Picking up my glass sipping my coke Brandon walks over with another coke, he had pint of lager. "Thanks Brandon, it seems to be a bit busy tonight."

"Yeah, it is, it's been like it all day which is why I finished now. I have been here since eleven this morning."

"You are lucky you got a job with set hours, mine could be any evening the times fluctuate, but I will always make sure I am home by one."

"Shelby, you certainly have guts to do what you do."

"Well it is not low life's I escort, which is a good thing I have not got to lay on my back." Brandon laughs at me I chuckle.

"Did you get your assignment finished, for Mr uptight." Laughing aloud.

"Mr fucking jerk. Yes, I did get it done I bet you Monday morning he will be calling me out in front of everyone."

"I have notice he looks at you a lot, but who could blame him. You got a smoking hot body you are very pretty." I lightly touch Brandon's hand.

"Thank you for the compliment, but I am not ready for any relationship, I need to get Uni done first. And my last boyfriend was a total fucking asshole." I did not have many boyfriends, in fact I have only had three had sex with two of them, I was eighteen when I lost my virginity I am twenty-one now can count on one hand the amount of times I had sex, in fact it is four times. That is four times in three years been doing escorting ten months, so really that is four times in two years. 

Maybe Mr Zanders thinks there is something wrong with me that is why he picks me out from all the other students, or he thinks I should not be there, but when he marks my assignments, I always get a high grade. Brandon and I talk a bit longer, by ten o'clock it is dark, so I leave Brandon in the pub walk back to my bed sit have a quick shower sit on my bed, relaxing feel so tired. Falling asleep getting woken when my phone is ringing, it is after midnight, look to see Tess. "Hi Tess."

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