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So. This is from my compilation of Volton shiz: Currently Drowning In Voltron.

So I basically just copied and pasted all the smut onto here so enjoy!

Keiths POV:

It was only a month ago that I found out I had Galra blood running through my veins. Since then, Alluras been ignoring me. I mean its always good to have a little break from the princess now and then, but.. ignoring? C'mon thats immature. Even Lance has been handling it better and he was the stupidly immature one!

I don't even know what part Galra I am, it may just be my ancestors or something! The thought of being directly related to the race that is on our trail trying to destroy us is, to be honest, a little unnerving.

But since I found out, I've felt like. there was a deeper meaning to my race. The real problem started when I started to see that I was Galra. Last monday I woke up and took a shower just evaluating my life like every normal person does in the shower. I dried off and stuff when i looked in the fogged mirror, my face had two deep purple marks starting from my jawline to the corner or my eyes, on each side.

Panicking, I rushed to Shiros' room with my towel wrapped around my waist. I burst through the door,

"Shiroo!" I called out frantically

Heavy but quick footsteps signaled that Shiro heard me. He came out the bathroom with his toothbrush in hand and toothpaste on his shirt. His eyes widened when he saw my marks,

"Keith... you have-"

"Galra marks I know!" I run my hands through my long hair, sighing

"This is a prank?" I looked at him

He walked to me and examined my face,

"Nope thats real, also, your eyes are turning yellow as we speak." He said calmly

"wHaT?!?" I clawed at my face

"Ill ask pidge to run diagnostics"


The Battle of the Broken Mountain: last Sunday. A powerful galra witch, a ally of haggar, watched us paladins struggle without our lions. Fighting hand to hand combat with anything, or anyone she could throw at us. Our castle went on lockdown and the lions sealed tightly inside. This witch was casting spells.

No not the happy spells like 'Wigardium Leviosa' or 'Lumos'. No. These were some foreign language yelling shiz we are talking about. I knew she hit me with something but I laughed as it was unsuccessful. I should have seen it coming. She was too good to shoot and miss. When Hunk was struck, he started hallucinating immediately and acting reckless the day after. After Pidge ran a test, he was hit with a curse that would simply "wear off" in a hour or so.

"Well. The spell that hit you that you didn't seem to care to share, brought your Galra out. For Hunk, It brought his fear out of him and he couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality."

Pidge fixed her glasses

"The effects will wear off in a day or so but from now it will only get worse until then."

Everyone was gathered around us, at this time, my hair was turning purple, my eyes were a bright shade of yellow, my skin was tinged lavender, I had marks, and I began to grow hairy ears. So pretty much full Galra. I took a sigh,

"Thanks Pidge."

"Im gonna be in my room dealing with ...this." I gestured to my new body.

New body, New feelings. My instincts were sharp, I had a lonely feeling when away from others. My furry body itched, my head raced with thoughts. Just like a quiznaking dog. Something different: I actually wanted people. Like wanted to hug them or be with them, I want to be loyal to them. I want them to notice me.

VOLTRON SMUT Where stories live. Discover now