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Jeith? Jaith? No idea

James x Keith

IDK Some College Party


Wish me luck cuz this is gonna suck.

Im so sorry guys...

Keith was more than agitated that he was being dragged to this lame party full of drunk university kids.

But Pidge had insisted that it would be, "the best time of our lives." While we both knew that Pidge was going just to get drunk and probably laid, Keith on the other hand had no buisness being here. He doesn't drink with people he doesn't know, and he certainly doesn't drink with Pidge.

Last time he went out for a drink with Pidge he ended up in a threesome. Gosh that was one night.


Keith was now leaning against the wall, picking at the peeling wallpaper. Smoke and vapor was blurring everyones faces. It stung his violet eyes and filled his lungs. He saw Pidge in the distance, they were pressing up on some girl, kissing her slowly.

Keith scoffed lightly and rolled his eyes. He turned his head to see a bright pair of eyes staring back at him. The face was unrecog but his grin was wide,

"Keith~ long time no see! Wanna drink?"

The voice was familiar and sweet, Keith moved forward to get a better look,


The brown haired boy smirked, and moved closer, pressing a beer into Keiths hand. The cold beads of water trickled down his hand, he looked back at Pidge. Their hands were up the girls shirt, they were both making out passionately. He looked back to James, the distance between them was growing shorter.

"Why don't we get out of this dump?"

He paused sensing Keiths hesitation,

"I know- I know- I'm not drunk. I just wanna escape, you know?"

     Keith looked at him, tracing the line of James jaw, he watched as his eyelashes fluttered. Heat rose to his cheeks, slowly the party scene blackened around him, James's hand was in his. They were moving through the crowd, to the door.

     The cool A/C of the dormitory hallway rushed against Keiths pale face, now that James was in the sickening white light, his hair appeared darker and his eyes too.

"Keith? You wanna go to my place?"

James's hand was tucked into his, his other hand found itself stroking the ebony locks on Keiths head. He was a few inches taller than Keith and he had to look down to keep eye contact.

"I mean..."

Keith looked sideways, what could possibly go wrong?


At that word, James was pulling him down the hall, past identical wood doors until he reached one with a spaceship clipart pinned on the bulletin board. Keith couldn't help but smirk.

James unlocked his dorm amd pulled him inside. His nerves were on edge, what was he thinking? James was looking at the floor and figiting with the bottom button on his shirt.


Keith took a step towards him, taking a deep breath, he gripped James's wrists,


VOLTRON SMUT जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें