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Shiro's POV:

    My fingers dug into my thighs as his voice raised in anger. My eyes darted around in the hazy bar, watching people turn around to see what the noise was. My "date" was outraged by the fact that I refused to have yet another drink.

"One more drink won't kill you baby!"

     He slurred and stood up in his seat, knocking the chair backwards. Leaving the table behind us annoyed.

"Hey, shhhhh. Its okay, Im just not thirsty."

I try to shush him before he makes more of a scene. People are starting to stare now as his voice rises above everyone elses.

"Or do you love someone else?" He drunkenly accuses me.

"Hey, I just met you Dan-" I make my voice quiet

"Sir?" A man cuts me off,

"Im going to have to ask you to leave, you are being disruptive."

The waiter says and shows him the door. Dan exposes his chest and squares him up,

"Or what biotch?" He snickers and pushes the guy


   I yell, but I was too late, a full fledged fight had started and before I knew it, it was over, leaving Dan arrested.

My ride back to my house.


I pay the tab and see myself out. Its December and the weather here was frigid.

"You!" A shadow called out from behind me.

    I turned around and a pale guy stepped up to me, his breath fogs around us.

"I saw the fight in there, you okay?" He asked

"Well I didn't expect my date to be a alcoholic creep, and my only ride home. So, yeah Ive been better."

I shiver and long for my coat still in his locked car.

"He was your date? Ooh. That bites. Do you wanna ride?"

   He asks and swings his keys around his gloved finger.

"The highways are closed from the ice storm, I don't even know what city this is."

I sighed and raked my hand through my black hair. This sucks.

"You could crash at my place?" He suggests

Sleeping at a handsome young strangers place, seems risky...

"Dont worry, Im not a creep. Its okay if you don't want to." His face reddens in the light of the streetlamp above us.

"Yea, I guesss I can. If thats okay?"

He nods,

"Follow me," we walk to the far end of the parking lot and come across a brick coloured pickup truck, "this is your ride to my house."

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