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White crystals of snow fluttered from the steely clouds above, scattering on the shoulders of shoppers and the heavily dusted ground. Pedestrians snow shoes and boots left muddy marks on the otherwise pristine cotton colored streets.

Keith and Hunk, former paladins of Voltron, defenders of the universe, were strolling down the dimly lit road at dusk. The streets were lined with hole in the wall shops that advertised their products on shelves which could be seen through the frosty glass windows. Hunk would constantly point out that this area of downtown reminded him of Hogsmeade from "Harry Potter" in the wintertime, which is why Keith brought him here to shop.

Christmas eve brought last minute gift purchasing even worse than normal gift shopping. And on top of that, it was technically too cold to snow. Yet here they were, the weather was miserable according to Keith and practically every other human in this city.

The two boys swam through the crowds of grouchy people in need of a little holiday spirit. Hunks gloved hand held a list written hastily on a yellow posted note, his other arm gripped bags of various shapes and sizes. Hunk was reading aloud:

"-Lance, check. Shiro, check. Coran, check. Allura, check. You, check. Ah! So all I have left is Pidge."

He looked at Keith who was occupied with the study of Hunks face, his dark cheeks which were speckled with red from the cold, and how his button nose scrunched and his glassy eyes squinted as he read from the card.


Hunk suddenly came back into Keiths mind, he startled and lifted the gifts in his hand,

"I think I just need Shiro and you."

At the first glance, these kids would have seemed oddly normal to the untrained eye, they both wore simple wool scarves, gloves, and hats, just as any sane person would. And they had multiple layers consisting of undershirts, shirts, overshirts, and jackets. And most of those were shades of gray and black, minus Keiths bright red thermal pants and beanie.

But as you looked closer, you could notice their trained eyes following everyone who walked by. Or how their bodies tensed when someone bumped into them too rough or stared too long.

"You know, if you made a list like I suggested, you would know for sure that you only needed Shiro and me..."

Hunk nudged the thin boy and he scoffed in retaliation,

"I think I can remember like five peoples gifts and their names."

"Six people actually,"

Hunk inquired and Keith shook his head,

"I guess I wasn't counting that pinhead Lance."

Keith smirked and Hunk sighed,

"You know, he isn't as stupid as you'd think."

"Easy for you to say, you're his best friend!"

Keith chuckled lightly and the cold air took him by suprise, he wrapped his arms around himself,

"Damn this weather, when will it be summer?"

He shivered and his hot breath steamed cloudlike vapor around him, Hunk turned an looked at Keith sympathetically,

"Why don't we grab a hot cocoa or something to warm up?"

He suggested to Keith who shook his head,

"I'm fine!"

He protested but Hunk was already pulling the muscular boy into a heated coffee shop. The warm air made the boys skin tighten from the sudden temperature change.

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