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Crossdressing Omega Lance
Alpha Keith

Ive never written an omegaverse

And I'm making it up as I go...


This should be fun.

"Allura this is gonna be fun!"

Lance danced around the girl, Allura crossed her arms,

"Fun for you maybe..."

Lance chucked,

"But it's better with you around! Now help me pick an outfit!"

He extended his arms and Allura took his hands, swirling him around.

Allura was his Beta friend, a big lesbian in his opinion, but such a great person. Lance was an Omega, yes, laugh all you want, but he was a damn hot one. (Or so he claims). The friends were hanging out at Alluras place, mostly anticipating the club that they were going to visit tonight. Lance wanted to look perfect, so he took Alluras advice and put on a dark blue dress with a choker, he added a pair of studs to go with it.

"How come you pull that off better than me?"

Allura whined and slid on her black dress,

"Oh come on 'Llura, we both know that I pull off most of your clothes better than you do!"

Allura scoffed and sent a shoe flying at him. Fortunately, it missed.

"Are you seeing that girl tonight?"

Lance asked, wiggling his brows suggestively. He was now applying make-up onto Alluras brown skin. They sat across from eachother on Alluras bed, their legs folded.

"Pidge? Yeah she's coming with her friend, Keith."

"Oh the one with the mullet?"

Lance rolled his eyes,

"What a loser."

Allura flicked his shoulder,

"He is not a loser Lance, in fact, I think you might like him if you'd get to know him!"

"Mhmm. I'm sure I would. Isn't Pidge an Alpha though?"

Allura nodded and pulled a brush through her wavy white locks,

"Who would have guessed, she's so small and..."

Lance was looking for the right word when Allura interrupted him,


"I was gonna say fragile but sure."

"Yeah, she is an Alpha, so is Keith."

Lance inhaled sharply,

"Two Alphas? Isn't that a little risky considering the fact that it's near their heat?"

"Yeah I know, I already asked Pidge about it, she says it'll be fine as long as we kinda mask our... scent?"

Ahh yes. The scent. The smell that tells others what you are, Alpha, Omega, Beta, or anything really. Unfortunately, Lance had a rather strong Omega smell, and rubbing the oil of the jamsine flower all over didn't help as much as he wanted it to.

When Allura and Lance arrived at the club, Pidge and Keith were waiting at the bar.

Even from here, the mixed smell of Alpha and jasmine filled Lances nose.

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