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Rest assured, Lance was going to beat him this time. The awkward homos circled around the room, staring eachother down. Lance wore a proud grin which paired easily with the thick blood dripping from his nose. Keith had a smirk plastered on his pale face and raised his right hand to form a pleasant middle finger display to Lance, his left hand was a tight fist and guarded his body.

"C'mon Sharp shooter, is that all you've got?"

Keith taunted at him, they remained eye contact despite the walking around the room. Lance jeered back,

"Ya right mullet, we've just started."

Lance pounced at the smaller paladin, but he was too quick. Keith dodged and pushed Lance from behind. Lance began to fumble and almost tripped.


Lance wore a mad blush from the wicked heat on the training deck. He straightened his spine and caught his breath. Predictable? Lance turned to Keith again. This time it was him who attacked, Lance was prepared this time, he attempted to grab his black suit hem but instead punched him in the chest. Keith recovered quickly with a lightning fast jab to the gut then to his shoulder blade. Lance curled over and rubbed the now sore spots,


Lance growled and threw himself at Keith, he tried to do a round house to his head, but Keiths arm was faster. He successfully blocked Lances powerful kick. Lances left arm swung after his initial attack, he aimed for the jaw, Keith ducked.

"Ggrrahh! Why are you so quick?"

"Why are you so predictable?"

Predictable? An imaginary lightbulb lit up in Lances head. Wow, Lance should have done the math earlier. If he kept on calling him predictable, he should do something that even Keith would have never foreseen.

Keith came back for a side kick and Lance used his palm to shove his leg down. Keith then spun around, pivoting on the ball of his foot, and aimed at Lances head with a spin hook-kick. Lance was actually prepared this time. He ducked, so that his foot wouldn't make contact, it landed down hard on his back. The darker skinned boy grabbed Keiths leg and pulled him close, causing Keith to fall to the mat. Lance took advantage of Keiths state to shove him down further and aim a fist at his face. He wouldn't hit him though, it was to represent a win.


Keith was panting,

"I won,"

Lance kept a hand pressing Keith hard to the ground.

"With all the hits you took, I'd barely call that a win."

The two boys seemed to notice how close their sweat gleaming faces were.

"Care to let me go?"

Keith snickered but Lance was lost in the violet eyes of his rival. A heavy tone of red spread across his tanned cheeks. He felt his quick heart beat, every rapid breath, every time Keiths eyes moved to examine his face.


The gap between their faces was getting smaller and smaller, until there was none. Lance was kissing him, and he wasn't screaming? Or burning? Or dying?

"Hey Homos get a room."

Pidge and Shiro entered the deck, Pidge rolled their eyes and smirked. They set down their bag. Lance jumped away from a dazed Keith. Shiro was snikering too, he set down his bag and wrapped his hands in bandanges.

"We- I- uh- right."

Lance stuttered and gets to his feet, Keith rises after him.

"Is- is it okay if I watch?"

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