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i'm nothing more than a small body filled with rage

"WHERE ARE YOU going?" Charlie questioned once he saw Clary walk towards the front door, dressed in high waisted black pants, a black veil brides shirt, and her signature leather jacket that her mother had passed down -- it was red

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"WHERE ARE YOU going?" Charlie questioned once he saw Clary walk towards the front door, dressed in high waisted black pants, a black veil brides shirt, and her signature leather jacket that her mother had passed down -- it was red. She had dirty, worn out black combat boots that covered her sock covered feet.

"Out," she stated, slamming the door behind her and made her way into the woods, the one place in this rainy town that she actually felt at home in, but maybe that was her werewolf side being bias.

She looked around at the forest, her green eyes lighting up in happiness. Being in the forest, it reminds her of Hope. See, the two of them would always turn together, because where one goes, the other goes. At that thought, she frowned. This has been the longest she has been away from Hope and it's only been three days.

"Ugh!" She turned around and punched a tree so hard that her fingers cracked under the force. "Stupid tree!" She hissed before sitting down against the tree, her breathing erratic. "Why did you have to send me here, mother?" She whispered to herself, her eyes welling up with tears. "I don't belong here."

Clary let out a sigh and stood up, turning towards where she heard water splashing. She smiled upon realizing that she was going towards the cliff that she had sat on when she first arrived in Forks after wanting to tear into Charlie.

She slowly made her way towards the cliff upon hearing boys shouting. She hid behind a tree and tilted her head, watching the boys jump from the cliff all the way into the water. She smirked and continued to watch them. They were acting like idiots, but, for some reason, she felt connected to them. As one of the boys turned to where she was hiding, she stiffened and narrowed her eyes, watching his eyes narrow into slits, as well.

"Paul!" One of the other boys shouted which made the one who was looking at Clary, look away. She let out a relieved inaudible sigh and watched as the remaining boys jumping over the cliff and into the water.

Clary stepped out from behind the tree and inched towards the edge, her green eyes widening as she saw how massive the waves were, but, the boys who jumped into the water, looked fine. She hummed and nodded, deciding that it looked fun enough for her.

She gave the boys in the water one last look before walking away from the cliff and down to the beach part.

One of the boys, down in the water, looked up just in time to see Clary's flaming red hair swish to the side before she disappeared. The boy frowned, getting a feeling to follow the red hair, but he held himself back from doing so.

Clary walked along the beach, scruffing her feet on the sand, many thoughts going through her head as she tried to, for once, stay positive. But, she can't. Whenever she is happy, she is around her family and her friends who she considers family, but, now She doesn't have them to help her be happy. She's all alone. She's alone in a town with people who don't know her.

"Why am I the always getting shit on?" She spoke to herself. Everything bad that had ever happened to her flashed through her mind making her frown deepen. "Why did you have to leave me, Klaus?" She sat down on the sand, her fingers digging into the sand, gripping at it. If Klaus was alive, she would be with him right now, so would Hope. She would be with half of her family and she would be happy.

"Clary!" From behind Clary, Bella came running towards her, seemingly out of breath. Clary turned her head and rolled her eyes at the sight of her half sister. "Dad said that you abruptly left and didn't say where you were going. You've been gone an hour and he's worried."

Clary tilted her head. "An hour?" She nodded. "I guess time flies when you're depressed," She retorted before standing up from her spot. "You can run on home, now, Bella, and tell Charlie that I'm fine. Just at the beach, mourning the loss of my life because it was ruined when I came here, but, you know, everything's fine." She pushed pass Bella and walked along the beach.

"Clary!" Bella shouted, but Clary kept on walking, balling her hands into fists. Her eyes glowed brightly and she let out an inaudible growl as she heard Bella run up to her from behind.

Clary glanced back at Bella and then her walk turned into a run, pushing her way through the woods. Why can't Bella and Charlie just leave her alone for five fucking minutes?!

She transformed into a wolf, her paws hitting the ground roughly as she trampled through the forest, her eyes still shining because she was angry.

She could still faintly hear Bella scream her name, but she was too far away. Clary snarled and jumped over a fallen tree.

She decided that she will stay in the forest until she was compely calmed down.

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