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some people come and go, but i know i will always have you guys

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒some people come and go, but i know i will always have you guys

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"ARE YOU GUYS okay?" Clary questioned. She was sitting on her bed, facing Lizzie, Josie, and Hope, her three bestfriends who she loves more than life itself.

The red head had awoken to her bestfriends sitting on her bed, both twins looking like they had seen ghosts.

Lizzie nodded, gulping slightly. "I mean, I never expected to see her, you know, and especially to take her life." She pulled her sister into her side, sighing. "It was a shock, you never really expect to see someone after them being dead since before you were born, especially someone you don't even know."

"She was our mother, Lizzie," Josie softly spoke, unleashed tears in her brown eyes.

"Bio mother, maybe, but she wasn't our real mother," Lizzie stated, looking her twin in the eyes. "I feel sorry for her and I care for her, but we barely know her, Jo," She spoke softly, not wanting to hurt her sisters feelings. "Caroline is the one who birthed us and raised us for sixteen years. She's the one who has been there since the moment we came into this world and to now. She might be away for recruitments, but, she still comes running when we really need her."

Josie sighed. "I know. I love mom, but I miss Jo. I wish we could've had a little more time to get to know her."

"I'm sorry to say this, but she was a zombie," Hope spoke up, placing her hand on both twins shoulders, giving them a small squeeze.

Clary turned to Hope. "Oh! Tell me about the Avengers Squad. Who's on it, again?"

Hope smiled slightly. "MG and Penelope."

"She who shouldn't be named is on the Avengers Squad?!" Clary gasped, shaking her head in disappointment. "She broke our little Josie's heart and you go ahead and put her on your Avengers Squad?"

"Well, we fought real actual zombies together," Hope said before sighing. "But don't worry, we are our own super squad, okay? No one can replace us."

Clary smirked. "Good!"

"So, what has happened since we last were here two weeks ago?" Lizzie questioned, looking to her bestie.

Clary sighed and rolled her eyes. "You guys are in for one hell of a story." She then began to explain everything that they had missed, especially the fight with James and the fact that Paul had imprinted on her and how she had the balls to take it to the next level with him.

"You gotta tell Emma and our dad!" Lizzie exclaimed. "You need to tell them so that you have a reason to come back home and get away from this hell. You need to go back to the school so that you'll be safe."

Clary shook her head. "Even though I want to, I can't." She then went to explain why once she saw their looks. "An imprint can't go long without being near one another because they grow to become depressed," She said, rubbing her forehead. "Also, even though I really want to go back home, I've actually come to like Forks. I've gained some new friends and I have actually started to get along with Bella who isn't as much of a loser like I previously thought."

Lizzie huffed but then frowned. "Hey... about that depressed feeling and the pull thingy you were talking about?"

Clary hummed. "The imprint?"

Lizzie nodded. "Ever since our last visit, I've been getting this pull to come back here, and I've been becoming more and more depressed."

"More than usual?" Hope questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Lizzie nodded, laying down on the bed. "Yeah."

Clary frowned and started to play with Lizzie's hair as the blonde laid her head on her lap. "Maybe somebody imprinted on you."

Josie frowned and raised her hand slightly. "I have been feeling a weight on my chest, too, like I'm being smothered. And something kept telling me to come to Forks. I just thought it was because I missed you, but maybe it's something else. Like I got imprinted on, too."

Lizzie gripped her sisters hand and looked into Clary's hazel-green eyes. "Do you think it's possible?"

Clary nodded and furrowed her eyebrows. "Yes, I do. Whenever I'm away from Paul for too long, I get this feeling that pulls me into the direction that he is in. It might be a good thing for a fight, but it's kind of annoying," She explained, rolling her eyebrows, though, she had a small smile on her face just thinking about the puppy eyed boy who she has fallen for pretty bad.

"Oh, my god!" Hope gasped, looking at her bestfriend with wide eyes, making the three girls turn to her. "You're in love with him!"

"What?" Clary's eyes widened and she automatically shook her head in denial. "No!"

Lizzie sat up and analyzed her best friend before turning to her twin who nodded in agreement. They both spoke up at the same time. "You are in love with him."

Clary shook her head again. "No, I can't be!" She shouted, jumping out of bed. "It's too early in our relationship to have fallen in love!"

"You can fall in love at any moment," Josie spoke up, glancing at Hope for a split second before looking at the red head with soft eyes. "Trust me."

Clary started to pace before stopping. "Oh, my god!" She exclaimed, facing her bestfriends who nodded. "I am in love with him!" She fell down onto her beanbag that she had by her bed.

"Yup." Lizzie and Josie nodded.

Clary looked up at them. "I can't believe I fell in love with a boy in less than two fucking weeks."

Hope chuckled. "Don't worry, babe, we're here for you."

Clary smiled up at them, knowing that they would always be there for her and she would always be there for them. "I love you guys so much."

"We love you, too."

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