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we fight for each other, always and forever

SUDDENLY, THE WHOLE newborn army blitzed out of the woods and into the field

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SUDDENLY, THE WHOLE newborn army blitzed out of the woods and into the field. A frenzy in their eyes. Their rabid thirst as they followed the scent of Bella's blood. But the scent trail ended here. They're confused... Suddenly something bolted from the trees with lightning speed and tackled a newborn.

The other newborns spun around to find a lethal-looking Jasper in a crouch beside his victim's body. They rushed towards Jasper but three were knocked to the ground by Esme, Rosalie, Carlisle, Emmett and Alice.

Out of nowhere lunged Sam-Wolf, flanked by two wolves. They tear a newborn to pieces. Four other wolves dive into the fray.

Emmett sprinted full-bore into the fight, relishing the battle.

The wolves work as a pack, coordinated, deadly.

Jasper controlled the field - strategy and speed vs strength.

Rosalie fights with icy calm. Alice with precognition. Esme and Carlisle fight side by side. The newborns are brutal and strong as hell. The m wolves and the Cullens are taking some vicious hits.

Then Jacob-wolf charged into the clearing, tackling a newborn, going for it's neck.

That's when the four girls linked hands and screamed out a spell over the choas. A large tree flung out of the ground and swung at a group of newborns. It honestly looked like they were bowling, but instead of using a ball and pins, they were using a tree and vampires.

Hope let go of the other girls' hands and ran full speed towards a newborn who had gotten the upper-hand on Rosalie. She jumped and changed into her wolf form, hurtling herself at the newborn, taking a pretty good size of their arm off before snarling and ripping their head off with her teeth.

Clary smirked. "There's that Mikaelson anger i've been waiting for," she mumbled before looking to Josie and Lizzie. "I'm going to go help her. Take as much of my energy as you can."

The girls nodded, closed their eyes, and Clary physically felt her magic drain a little before the girls let go of her hands.

Clary nodded at them before jumping — quite literally — into action. She ran towards Paul who was struggling with getting a wolf off of his back. She held out her hand flung it to the side, making the newborn fling off of her boyfriend. She grinned as Paul turned his wolf head towards her before running towards a group of Newborns who were stalking towards Seth.

She muttered a levitation spell under her breath before she flung herself at the two newborns that were about to pounce on the sixteen year old. She harshly kicked one of the newborns towards Sam who ripped into him before turned to the other one who was in a crouch position, snarling. His red eyes was on here with such intensity that she shivered.

He grinned before he ran towards her. She smirked at his terrible form and leaped over him, rolled onto the ground before flipping herself onto her feet. She swiveled around and grabbed the newborn by their neck and flung them into the air with her werewolf strength. He went flying before Lizzie caught him with her magic and threw him in front of Jared.

Then, suddenly, both Lizzie and Josie screamed. They were grabbed by a newborn who was ready to sink their teeth into them.

Both Embry and Seth growled and ran towards the newborn who held their girls. They jumped onto the newborn right after Lizzie and Josie gave him an aneurysm. Embry ripped off his head while Seth held him down.

Clary nodded and turned around, about to help out Leah who was struggling against two Cold Ones, when she was punched harshly, sending her spiraling to the ground.

She looked up, blood dripping from her already swollen cheek. The newborn who had punched her didn't have red eyes, no, she had dark black eyes meaning she was hungry as hell. She roughly grabbed Clary by her flaming red hair and out their faces so close together.

"You smell amazing, mutt," the newborn snarled, bringing her face close to her neck. She took a huge whiff and opened her mouth, about to bite into Clary's neck when the redhead's eyes glowed bright yellow before she transformed into her wolf form. She jumped onto the newborn who then started to beg for her life.

Clary grabbed the newborn by her neck and twisted so hard that her head popped off with a loud 'crack'.

Looking up, Clary's wolf smiled as saw Hope tearing off two of the newborn's heads who happened to be the ones who teamed up on Leah. Those were the last two newborns, too.

She quickly transformed back into human form, her clothes still on, and she walked towards her boyfriend who was still in wolf form. She scratched behind his ear and kissed his head, grinning.

"Josie!" Embry yelled, in human form now — and clothed seeing as the girls had performed a spell so that the shifters wouldn't rip their clothes anymore. He ran towards Josie who was hugging her sister.

"Wha—" before Josie could say anything, Embry pulled her into a passionate kiss. They gently grabbed onto each other's faces and pulled in closer, relishing in the fact that this was their first kiss.

Lizzie and Clary looked to each other before smirking.

Embry then pulled back, both of them blushing widely. "Im so sorry," he apologized as he realized he kissed her without her consent. "I was just so worried. I thought that — you were — I just couldn't—"

Josie grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him down into a kiss, effectively shutting him up.

Leah smirked at the adorable couple as she walked over to Hope in human form, immediately feeling relaxed with her imprint safe beside her. Although, she knew that Hope could protect herself, she was still relieved.

"Clary!" Came Bella's voice before Edward and Clary's sister came into view. "Is everyone okay? Are you okay?"

Clary looked to her worried sister and let a small smile brace her face. "Yeah... everyone is okay." She looked around smugly. "We kicked their newborn asses!"

"Hell yeah!" Hope, Lizzie, and Josie all exclaimed at once as their boyfriends howled in agreement.

Clary then frowned when she saw Bella bleeding. "What happened?" She grabbed her sister's arm. "You okay?" Her clothing was ripped and covered in mud and blood. Her hair was all over the place and her wrist had a pretty nasty cut on it. "Who did this?"

Bella pulled her wrist away from Clary. "I did."

"What?!" Clary exclaimed, confused.

"Victoria attacked us," Edward spoke up. "She's dead now, though. I killed her. I ripped her apart and burned her body. She's never coming back to harm any of us ever again.

Clary nodded and then turned to her girls. "I really need a bath, how about you guys?" She was so casual that the Cullen's and the wolves couldn't help but chuckle. "You guys want to have a spa day for the rest of the day or is that just me?"

They all three chuckled at their best friend before looping their arms. "No, no, I think we all deserve a spa day."

Hope paused and turned to Leah, lifting a brow in question.

Leh noted this and chewed on the inside of her cheek. "I don't want to intrude."

Hope rolled her eyes and reached over, grabbing her hand, tugging her closer. "Come on."

Leah couldn't help but smile at her demanding imprint, finding it hot. "Fine."

They all giggled and walked away, leaving the Cullen's and the wolves in the field with dead newborns.

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