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babe with the power

THE GROUP OF witches were out in the woods, just having a good time in each other's company

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THE GROUP OF witches were out in the woods, just having a good time in each other's company.

"So, you and Seth, huh?" Clary smirked at Lizzie who blushed a deep red and hid her face in her blonde hair.

"He's cute," Lizzie stated like it was simple. "And he's sweet and he listens to me. Once most guys hear about my mental illnesses, they run for the hills and never look back, but he listened to me explain what I go through and he said he would always be there for me. Plus, it's fate. I'm his imprint." She was smiling widely. 

Clary couldn't help but smile at her best friend slash sister. "I'm so happy that you found someone who will care and love you like I know Seth will."

Lizzie nodded. "He will." She looked up at the beautiful blue sky. "We go on our first date tomorrow. He says it's a surprise."

Clary, Hope, and Josie all giggled as they watched Lizzie be all adorable and smiley. They were so happy for her.

"Josie, what's going on with you and Embry?" Hope turned to look at the brunette siphoned with a raised brow in curiosity.

The brunette couldn't help but smile at the thought of the very clumsy and adorable boy who is always trying to impress her by doing something stupid. "I told him I'm not exactly ready to be with someone yet. I told him all about Penelope and he got really protective. But, he said he will wait and that he doesn't care if it takes years for me to accept him." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her smile only widening at the thought of him. She then smirked and turned her attention to Hope, "what's going on with you and Leah?"

Hope blew out a breath, her heart thudding against her chest at the thought of the brunette shifter. "We both aren't ready to take that gigantic leap just yet. We both have went through some messed up crap, but we're going to work through it. Together."

"That's good," Clary commented, reaching over and grabbing her best friends hand. "You both deserve happiness."

"What about you and Paul?" Lizzie turned her head to stare at Clary who froze and then started to fumble, her cheeks heating up to the point where she looked like a tomato.

"You know I love him," Clary muttered. "You're the ones who made me realize that."

"But..." Josie trailed off, her brown eyes filled with worry.

"No but's." Clary smiled, biting her lip. "It's just that I'm always afraid. We're always in danger due to the lives we live, that's all."

Hope wrapped an arm around the red head. "Don't worry. He's strong and you're strong. You're both going to survive this and whatever else is to come. We will all survive."

"Okay, enough serious talk," Lizzie spoke up, clapping her hands as they walked into a clearing in the woods. "We came out here to practice our magic." She grinned and held out a hand, wiggling her fingers. "Someone hold my hand please so I can make the leafs float."

Clary laughed and held the blonde's hand. "Let's do it." Both girls held out their hands and muttered an incantation, and soon, many leafs that were on the forest ground, started to float above their heads. The girls grinned and twisted their hands slightly, making the leafs move, almost making them look like they were dancing.

Hope and Josie grinned and held hands and muttered a similar spell until the water drops that were on the leafs rose and floated above them, as well.

All four girls couldn't help but let out a loud laugh.

You could hear their sweet, joyful laughter from a mile away and that's exactly how the Cullen's, including Bella, heard it. To them, it didn't quite sound just like laughter, it was more like a whistle due to the wind. Overall, they were curious to what had made the noise so they ventured out of their home and into the woods, following the sound of laughter and other various noises.

When they came to the clearing, they paused just before where the trees stopped, and stayed hidden in the shadows.

They were all shocked at what they saw. Clary and her friends — sister's — were holding hands, and leafs and water droplets were floating around them, dancing in the wind. The girls didn't look shocked or fearful, they looked peaceful. Hell, they were even laughing, well, more like giggling. They looked happy and content.

Of course they knew that Clary was a werewolf and a witch, but they had never seen her do any sort of magic before, hell, they haven't even seen her wolf form. So, it was a shock to them to see this sort of thing and also see that not only was she a witch, but so was her friends.

Clary muttered another incantation under her breath and the wind picked up, making their hair go wild, and making the leafs and water in the air dance more widely, almost like they were having a rave, something the girls thought was amusing. Hope twisted the hand she wasn't using to hold Josie's, and moved the leafs, making them connect and make an 'M' shape for Mikaleson.

The Cullen's were confused on why she made the leafs form a letter, but the girls knew what it meant and it struck something within Clary and Hope. They were obviously saddened by the letter which led the Cullen's wanting to know what it meant.

"They would love the women you two turned out to be," Lizzie spoke up softly. "I only ever met your dad once before, Hope, but he was willing to die for you, to die for both of you so you can live and have an amazing life. And that's exactly what you two have done."

The Cullen's and Bella was even more confused and curious now.

Clary and Hope took in shaky breaths as tears shone in their eyes. They both miss Klaus so much and Hayley, and Elijah. Of course, Rebekah, Freya, and Kol was alive, but they rarely visited and if they did, they only stayed for a few hours and then left. It was like they lost them, too even if they were alive and well.

"We should probably go home," Josie said after a moment of silence. "I'm hungry."

Clary and Hope nodded in agreement. They knew that Josie was trying to get their mind off of their losses.

The girls let go of eachothers hands and the leafs and water droplets that were previously floating, dropped straight to the ground and onto the ground.

They then tredded to the Swan residence, leaving the Cullen's in the woods, standing there in shock.

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