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I was walking past the kitchen when I heard something.

"You know, since you seem so eager to tell everyone about Ward too, maybe I'll tell everyone about you kissing Fitz!"

It was Skye, what was she talking about. As I walked past the door I saw Skye and Simmons talking to each other.

"Okay, I'll stop," Simmons says.

I processed what Skye had just said. Tell everyone about me? Did Skye have a crush on me? The part about Fitzsimmons kissing was the part that didn't surprise me. They were perfect for each other. But me and Skye? Don't get me wrong, I love her the same, but... Would it work out?

Suddenly, I hear a loud shriek coming from behind me. I turn around immediately and see Simmons on the floor.

"She just fainted! Oh god!" Skye yells.

I rush over and start asking questions "What happened? Was she sick?"

"I don't know, she just fainted!" Skye was clearly panicking too much, I needed to calm her down.

"Don't worry, she doesn't look very sick."

"Don't worry?!" Skye exclaims "She could've had a heart attack!"

"I'm not a doctor, but she looks okay,"

"Just do something!" Skye shouts.

"AHHHHH!" Simmons wakes up screaming.

"Calm down!" I shout.

"The lab...." Simmons mutters.

"The lab? What about the lab?" Skye asks.

"At 3 pm it's going to explode!" Simmons says.

"How do you know that?" I don't believe her.

"Look, you probably won't believe me but.... I think I can see the future."

"Well, May can make plates fly so... I believe you," I shrug.

"I know she's telling the truth, I can read her mind," Skye tells me.

Geez, where are my superpowers!?

"Aww, you want powers too!" Skye laughs.

Oh yeah, she can read my mind...

"Yes I can!" Skye smirks.

"We need to get to the lab," Simmons points at the clock "It's 2:55."


I was peacefully napping on the lab and then Ward, Skye and Jemma ran in and started making noise!

"I'm trying to sleep!" I exclaimed when they ran in here.

"Go ahead, sleep when the lab explodes!" Skye says.

"Wait, the lab is gonna explode?!"

Skye ignores me and runs over to Jemma.

"What did you see in your vision exactly?" She asks.

"I don't remember much, the clock said 3 pm and there was an explosion..." Jemma shrugs.

"Well, how are we supposed to stop it then?" Ward groans.

"I don't know!" Jemma replies "Look around for something dangerous!"

"What's going on?!" I yell.

"Long story short," Skye says "She can see the future, I can read minds and the lab is going to explode any minute now!"

"It's 2:57 guys," Ward shouts.

"Just do someone do something!" Skye panics.

"I don't know what to do!" I say.

Unbelievably, Ward's hands started glowing.

"Um... Grant?" Simmons said nervously.

Ward took one look at his hands and screamed. As soon as he screamed, they burst into flames.

"He's on fire!" Skye shrieks.


Oh no, Ward is on fire.

"Wait, this doesn't hurt!!" Ward shrieks "What's going on?! HELP!"

The I realised... The explosion was Ward, the reason it wasn't hurting was because it was his powers, he had firepower!

I have to calm him down! If I don't we'll all die! I glance at my watch, it's 2:59. I have to do something right now!

I rush over to Ward, and I kiss him.

He feels warm, really warm and then he cools down. It worked! I saved everyone! Now I understand why Simmons was so worried.

"Skye and Ward, sitting in a tree," Fitzsimmons chant.

"Fitz and Simmons, sitting in the lab," I counter "I can read your minds! You can't keep a secret from me! You guys-"

Simmons puts a hand over my mouth.

Superpowers - Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. FanficWhere stories live. Discover now