Chapter 27

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It wasn't a race between the Sons and Unser, he was doing what they could not while they used their particular skills to do what they could do, in this case, better than him. While he spoke with the DA and Eva sat crying off and on with Tara and Jax, Juice and Chibs stopped off at the yoga studio.

Juice was amazed by it, the music and the fragrances, the scores of pregnant and not pregnant women. There were questions and comments that floated through his head but he buttoned his lip. This was way more serious than his musings, he knew that, and little Harry was priority one.

"Oh I know her," the receptionist said. "Sweet lady."

"Aye, you seen her lately?"

The receptionist shook her head. "Actually no. She had her baby, usually the prenatal yoga moms drop off for a few months after they give birth. I've only just started seeing a few come back from Simone's class."

Chibs nodded, annoyed but covering it well, and pushed a bit further. "You don't happen to know where we could find her? A friend is looking for her, they took the class together."

"Oh who?" The woman asked excitedly.

"Eva," Chibs said with a smile.

"Eva!" The receptionist frowned. "I saw what happened on the news. Did they find the monster who did it? Didn't they say it was the boyfriend?"

"No," Chibs said somberly. "But we're looking to gather her some support."

The woman nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! If I see her I will let her know. Maybe they can help each other deal with their trauma."

"Trauma?" Juice asked. "Did something happen to Simone?"

With a heavy sigh the woman nodded. "She lost her fiancé," she said quietly. Running her index finger along her neck she mimicked a cliché, closed eyes and tongue out dead face. "Killed himself," she added in a whisper.

Juice and Chibs looked at each other and without another word to the woman raced out of the yoga studio. The coincidence was too great. There was no doubt Simone, or whatever her actual name was, was connected to Eva's ex, Johnny.  His end was so violent they suddenly were not so sure of his safety.

"Eva heard all about that. Part of why she's looking for her," Juice said. "You have her contact information? Address or phone number from when she signed up?"

"Oh no, Simone never had a membership, she just paid the nonmember price per class," the woman explained.

"Thanks, darlin'," Chibs winked. He then hurried out with Juice right behind him. "Bleedin' Christ," Chibs grumbled. "Our only lead is nothing but shite."

"Unser find a lead with Johnny?" Juice asked.

"Nothing'," Chibs said. "Let's head back, regroup with Jax."

The hours Eva spent waiting for Opie to be released and finally get to the hospital felt impossibly long. She was grateful for the drowsiness brought on by her medication as it helped pass the time as quickly as possible. When she awoke again, just as the sun began to set, her room was empty and there were loud voices from the hallway. One she recognized instantly.

"Where's Eva?" She heard Opie ask eagerly. Jax then swung open the door for him. "Oh baby," he whined. Hurrying to her bedside he gingerly kissed her, towering over her as he bent down. He hugged, careful not to hurt her, and between kisses apologized profusely.

"It's okay," she said quietly. "It's not your fault."

"I didn't do this," he told her. "You know that, right?"

Eva nodded. "I do. I know. She has our son, Opie. We have to get him back."

"I'm gonna bring our boy home," he swore to her.

Opie held Eva while she sobbed. Now that he was with her she felt free enough to mourn, in a way, their loss and simply cry over the trauma they were currently living.

In another part of the hospital, Tara's office, Jax sat with Juice and Chibs to discuss the wall they slammed into at the yoga studio. The biggest bomb, the Johnny connection, was dropped instantly but it moved very little forward. Jax was surprised but it all made such sense.

"She knew her," Chibs hissed. "She didn't have any account or membership, either smart or lazy, but she was a regular."

"Excuse me," Tara said quietly. She snuck into her office to grab a file when the photo on her desk caught her eye. "Is that her? Is that the woman who did this?"

"Yeah," Jax said eagerly. "You know her?"

"She was a patient," Tara said. "It was back when Harry was born and," she gasped. "Oh my god."

"What?" Jax asked urgently.

"She lost her baby, full term cord accident, otherwise healthy. It was awful," Tara whimpered.

"That's why Johnny lost it," Chibs mumbled.

"And that's why she did this," Tara inhaled sharply.

"Opie said he had sex with Eva that night," Jax sighed. "Or someone he thought was Eva." He spoke as he tapped Simone's photo.

"She snapped," Juice remarked.

"We need a name and address, Tara. Now."

It was illegal and they all knew it but she didn't hesitate when Jax said it. Tara tapped at her keyboard and Jax ordered Juice to get Opie.

"He's gonna wanna be there to get him," Jax added quickly.

"I'll stay with Eva," Tara said. She scribbled the information down and handed it over to Jax. "She's sick, Jax," Tara spoke softly, "If you don't have to kill her, don't. She just needs help."

He nodded, feeling empathy for the woman despite what she had done. Losing a child was the worst thing imaginable and Jax couldn't imagine her pain. "I know. I'll do what I can."

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