You guys as annoying things couples do

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{A/N: Cheese and crackers! It hurt to write this. No disrespect though, if you actually do these things you do you. }


Petty arguments- Ya know like arguing about things like, who ate the last pop tart, or who broke from a kiss first. 


Talking about  one another- Like when the other isn't there, either of you could go on and on about the other, talking about what they last wore, or how amazing there are at kissing. 


Doing that "We" thing- Like one of you will be like "oh yea we totally agree with you." or "We  think you should get a haircut."


That hands in the butt pocket thing- ion even kno, I just feel like you guys would do this(I despise this one so much like ewk no)


Only talking to each other-  when you guys are out with all you other friends but you only talk to each other, like why did you even come?


Texting on dates- If you guys are on a date you would both be on your phones texting a friend about the date, like no.


Overuse of pet names- I get it, it's a relationship privilege, but all the time? that's a little much, it makes all the singles feel bad.


Talking about your sex life- Do I really need to explain? like who really wants to hear about that, and all the time?!?! nah I'm good.


Telling inside jokes in a group- It's pretty annoying when every five seconds one of you is giggling about something and then saying "it's an inside joke".  might as well tell everyone else the joke so we can all laugh


Dressing the same- I get it for Halloween it's cute. I even get everyone once in a while, but almost all the time? that's a little much...

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