He Catches you up @ 3am

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{A/N: So basically I mean, you were awake at 3am and wakes up to find you still awake at 3am and what they would do.}


+ He was shocked to see you awake

+cuddled the fuck outta you

+Wouldn't let you get out of bed

+you guys were sharing headphones listening to music until you fell asleep


+He was annoyed

+He went on and on about how bad it was to be awake at 3am

+You guys ended up making Pizza

+you also watched a movie until you went to sleep


+He wouldn't even care lol

+He'd probably curse you and go back to sleep

+maybe he'd eat some snacks with you

+prolly not a bitch needs his beauty sleep


+Well since you were awake it only seemed appropriate to fuck

+You'd also make out or somethin

+prolly do the nasty


+He'd be aggravated

+"why won't you ever just sleep with me like a normal human??"

+You guys would do whatever you wanted

+Sometimes you'd go on his roof an look at stars

+ Sometimes you'd make hot chocolate


+He would've been awake with you

+you guys would manly talk 

+you also write and draw


+He'd do whatever you want

+You'd probably go out to eat or somethin


+He'd be mad asf

+You'd end up having to go to taco bell to get him to stay up with you

+he'd still be annoyed and hold you in his arms until you went to sleep

+he don't play those games


+you'd probably do drugs

+Then you'd fuck

+nothing else to it


+He'd cuddle you

+He'd be to sleepy to do anything  else

+he'd let you play with his hair while you cuddled

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