You guys babysitting

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+ You guys don't really know how to take care of children

+ You kinda just let the kids do whatever they wanted 

+ If they were being bad you threaten to tell their parents

+ You guys were trying to do your homework but the kids weren't having it

+ "That's it quit! STan I'm taking you with me!"

+ You guys fucking deadass almost left the house

+ At some point you guys would all watch some dope ass movie like Brave or something

+ You'd feed the kids whatever shit they wanted

+ You got paid like 60 bucks and split it


+ Kyle would be doing most of the work

+ You on the other hand would tell the kids to be bad just cuz

+ Kyle was just tryna make some cash but those kids were hella bad

+ You were tryna make out but he wasn't having it

+ He ends up having to babysit you too since you were acting like a fool

+ You were swearing in front of the kids on purpose



+ You got put in timeout for your bad behavior and the kids laughed 

+ He put a movie and the kids fell asleep

+ You got 50 dollars and he got like 40 dollars and got 10


+ You were doing most of the babysitting

+ Eric came over like 2 hours into you babysitting

+ He brought food for the kids which ended up being their dinner

+He was telling the kids scary stories which made them scared

+ He dressed up as like a monster to scare the kids

+ You allowed the kids to attack Eric in order to face his fears

+ The kids were sad when you guys had to leave

+ They wanted you to babysit them all the time

+ You got like 40 dollars, and you split it evenly


+ At first you guys were tryna be nasty 

+ Kenny ended up wanting to hang out with the kids

+ You guys did fun stuff with the kids

+ Story telling

+ Dress up

+ Coloring 

+ Anything they wanted to do you guys did

+ Yo they lowkey hated you for a whole minute because you made them eat vegetables

+ He snuck the sweet treats before bed

+ You guys got like 60 dollars and he got 40 you got 20


+ Craig doesn't really like kids so you did most things with the kids

+ You tried to force Craig to play with the kids

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