A Movie with Tyler

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George's POV

As I searched the movies on the theater's 'Now Playing' sign, I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw an old buddy of mine. Tyler Connolly. He's the lead singer for Theory of a Deadman. We met when we stayed at the same hotel for two different concerts.

"I thought that was you," he walked over. "Man, it's been awhile."

"Yeah," I smiled at him. It was kind of nice seeing a friendly face after what's been going on with Deuce. I have the guys of course but I can't really open up to them.

Tyler and I started talking and catching up a bit. He was single again and his band's been doing good with their music. He told me he was here to blow some time. Finally, we decided on just going to some cheap horror movie.

We sat down and the film began. It started with a dumb hot chick being murdered by some psycho with knives as fingers on one hand. It reminded me of Freddie Krueger. Not quite.

"Talk about cliché," Tyler whispered to me.

I let out a small chuckle and I bet the people around me thought I was laughing because she died.

The dead girl's boyfriend was cheating on her and he didn't even know she was dead yet. Now I understood why the movie was rated R. Very exposing sex scene.

"Fuck her brains out, man," Tyler whispered again.

I couldn't help but smile. His commentary was actually bringing me out of my mood that I've been in. Since Dylan told me to get over Clara, I've been feeling a little angry and down.

They were done fucking and the girl put her panties back on. She said she heard something and walked around shirtless to find what it was. Seriously? The guy put his underwear on and followed her. Probably thought he was going to fuck her again because she was hardly dressed.

Tyler seemed awfully quiet. I looked over at him and he was staring at the screen. The hell? I was about to ask when I saw that his arms were crossed and that he was sporting a hard one. I inwardly laughed. The bitch from the movie was turning him on.

After the movie was over, we walked out and laughed at how stupid everyone was in it.

"I can't believe it took him half the movie to truly believe his girlfriend was dead," he said.

"Yeah, he was too busy screwing half her friends."

We laughed it out and headed our separate ways.

"Johnny," he called out. I looked up. "Keep in touch, man."

I smiled and nodded before getting in my car. Maybe, I could get over Clara. I have friends, and doing stuff together probably would help.

What are your thoughts on this chapter? Out of them all, I'm afraid that this one will have people disliking my choices..?

Undead Love: Hollywood Style [Finished] (sequel to Coming Out to the Band)Where stories live. Discover now