Falling Apart

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Jordan's POV

I got so bored at the hospital that I started wandering around. Today, I wandered to the cafeteria, the third floor, and the ER doors. That's where I was when I'm sure my life started to end.

Nurses and other doctors' assistants came rushing through from the waiting room to the actual ER. They were wheeling two of those cart things that people were carried on - gurneys - and J was laying on one.

He was awake, thank god, but they had doped him up so much that I didn't think he was registering what was going on. The nurses probably put him on strong painkillers. One of his arms was bleeding and his face was bruised all over.

After he disappeared from sight through some doors, I realized who was on the second gurney. Deuce. Unlike J, he wasn't awake but he was bruises and bloodied just the same.

I stopped one of the nurses. "What happened?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't answer your question right now. I'm needed in the ER," she hurriedly went after the others.

For two hours, I paced back and forth. After I realized that I've missed my routine medication, I headed back to my room. There was nothing I could do from here anyways.

One of my nurses was standing in the hall. She noticed me and shook her head.

"Mr. Terrell-"

"Charlie. Call me Charlie."

"You missed your meds. Come on, better late than never." She followed me to my room and she got out the pills I had to take.

After I took them, she had me lay down. "Where were you off to anyhow?"

"I was.. exploring."


"Could you find out if Jorel Decker is okay? I.. I was near the ER when I saw him brought in."

"Friend of yours?"


"Sure. I can find that out."

She left and I nodded off. I felt like I was in a never ending nightmare. My mind kept replaying J being rushed in on a gurney bleeding everywhere. Over and over again it played out in my head. Each time, his injuries were worse.

Finally, I drifted from the memory and I woke up. It was all a dream. Or I thought until I saw the nurse standing beside me. She was setting out a jug of water on the table next to the bed.

"Oh, Mr. Te- Charlie," she caught herself, "I found out that Mr. Decker is alright. He's in room 104. That's the west wing of this floor."

"Are they allowing visitors?" I sat up eagerly.

"Um, yes," she smiled.

I got up and went to the door. I said thanks before heading to the west wing. All I could think was 'He's okay!' and '104.. 104... 104'.

I got to his room and saw that the door was closed. Was he awake? Were there people in there? I knocked just in case but nobody responded. I opened the door and went in.


So, you guys are probably hating me right about now... I'm sorry

Undead Love: Hollywood Style [Finished] (sequel to Coming Out to the Band)Where stories live. Discover now