Cheating, Lying, Gay Friends

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Tyler's POV

"Hey man," Aron said as he let me in. "Thanks for coming."

"Yeah, I didn't have anything going on. So, what movie are we watching?"

He led me into his living room, "I don't know, some horror movie Clara picked out."

"Clara's coming?"

"Yeah, Tony too," he grabbed a beer from the fridge and handed it to me before getting one for himself. He turned to me and smiled, "you may have to excuse me and Clara several times throughout the movie. Horror shit gets her on." We laughed, not without effort on my end, and I heard the door open.

"Hey babe," Clara came in and kissed Deuce. Well, more than kiss him, but I looked away after I saw that she grabbed his crotch.

"Where's Gadget?" He asked after she stopped groping him. I figured Gadget was Tony's stage name, kind of like how the guys have stage names. George and Johnny 3 Tears; Tony and Gadget.

"He's grabbing the beer from the car," finally she noticed me standing in the room and looked me up and down with a smile on her face. I smiled back even though I was kind of nervous to see her after we made out in the kitchen.

The door opened, and Tony came in with some beer. "Hey guys." He set it down and looked at all of us. He was probably wondering why we were quiet all of a sudden.

"Tony, be a dear and put the movie in?" Clara asked as she headed off towards her bedroom.

Aron watched Tony as he went to do as he was asked. After he had left, he turned to me. "Suspicious?"

I shrugged, "maybe a little." Then I nodded towards the beer that was just brought in. "We can't just let this get warm."

After we put it in the fridge, we went to the living room where Clara was asking Tony his opinion on how her shirt fitted. "I don't like how it's super baggy right here," she said, playing with a piece of her shirt.

"Okay, what the actual fuck?" Deuce threw his arms up. They both looked at him in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Clara asked. Of course, she didn't know that Deuce thought she was cheating on him with Tony.

"Tony, get out."

"Deuce.. Wha-"

"No, shut up and get out. You two are screwing aren't you?" His voice rose.

"Aron, what are you talking about?" He stood up and I felt bad for how confused he was.

"I found your earrings," he pointed at Clara, "in your house," he moved his arm to point at Tony.

"Aron, why would they be at my place?"

"Exactly what I thought!"

"Babe, Tony and I are not sleeping together!" Clara cried. She eagerly looked at me, probably hoping that he wasn't going to get suspicious of us now.

"My ass," he barked at her.

"Dude, I wouldn't sleep with your girlfriend."

"Get out of my house!"

I felt a little weird since I was the only one who is being quiet here and that Clara actually cheated with me. They didn't seem to notice but once someone left, it'd be really awkward in here.

They yelled some more and then Deuce took a swing at Tony and hit him right in the jaw. He fell backwards onto the ground.

"Aron, I'm gay!" He shouted. "I wouldn't sleep with her! I swear!"

"Now you're lying to me?" He grabbed Tony by his collar and dragged him to the door.

"I'm not lying!"

"Get out of m-" Holy shit. Tony just kissed him. Right away, Deuce pushed him off and punched him again.

I guessed it was time I interfered. I got in between them and opened the door for Tony. As he left, he gave me a sour look. This part of the plan felt like it had gone too far. Not only are we hurting Deuce, but we're hurting Tony as well.

Undead Love: Hollywood Style [Finished] (sequel to Coming Out to the Band)Where stories live. Discover now