Happy to Help

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George's POV

"Shit, I know we just left the theater but my friends kind of ran off. Wanna go to a bar or something?" I ask nervously. What if he thought I was clingy?

"Yeah, sure. That'd be cool," I heard Tyler say. That was a relief.

"Do you have somewhere specific you want to go?" I haven't thought through which bar yet.

"Um, that Chilled bar is pretty good. It's more of a strip club but that's a different side of the building from the bar," he said.

"Sure, I've heard of it. Meet you there?"

He said yeah and we hung up. I started the car and started driving to Chilled. Obviously, I got there first because I was already in my car when I called him.

I sat at the bar for maybe four minutes when someone patted my back.

"Hey," Tyler sat down next to me.

I smiled, "yeah, I just didn't want to stay at home tonight. Thanks for coming."

"No problem, bud."

We ordered some beers and were quiet for awhile. I couldn't get my mind off of Clara.

"Johnny?" He asked, breaking the silence.


"You okay?"

"Yeah," I took a drink and I don't think he was convinced.

"Johnny, tell me. What's up?" He set down his drink and faced me.

I sighed. I seemed to be sighing a lot lately. Maybe it helps vent stress? "My ex-girlfriend. She's going out with Deuce. He's an ex-band member and she's only going out with him because she knows it bugs me." That came out faster than I had expected and I took in a deep breath.

"Okay. Why's it bug you though?"

"Because he keeps sending me texts and pictures." I get out my phone and show him Deuce's messages.

He takes awhile to read a few of them before speaking. "What a dick. He wasn't like that when I met him."

"Yeah. About a week ago, him and his new band beat the crap out of Jordan after he drove Deuce home. I feel kind of responsible though. Deuce showed up at a party the guys and I were having and I punched him a few times. Jordan took Deuce home so I wouldn't beat him up more and then that's when he got beaten up himself."

Tyler nodded, "you feel like Deuce did that because you punched him?" He said it more as a statement than a question.

"If I hadn't punched Deuce..."

"Johnny, stop blaming yourself. What's done is done and I'm sure Jordan doesn't blame you."

"I guess you're right.."

"Damn right I'm right," he interrupted.

"And me and the guys are getting payback anyhow."


"We're pulling pranks on him and shit."

He laughed, "if you ever need help, I'm just a phone call away. I'd be happy to pull something on this bastard."

Just then one of the strippers came over and asked if we were going to stay at the bar all night.

"Well," Tyler looked her up and down, "I wouldn't mind having a little fun." He stood up and looked at me, "coming Johnny?"

I nodded and followed him over to the other side of Chilled.

Undead Love: Hollywood Style [Finished] (sequel to Coming Out to the Band)Where stories live. Discover now