23| W A I L I N G

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Chapter Twenty-three

Dottie lazily lays her head on my warm lap, her tiny pink tongue poking between her teeth as she sleeps. She looks smaller than usual probably due to wandering the streets without and food nor water. Now my French Bulldog appears as a stray. Her fur is all mangled up and stuck in some places with unknown substances. Her glassy eyes when I first laid my own green orbs on her body seemed to hold dark secrets of what she's witnessed. This eradication has been a memorable one for us both, some ways good and someways bad.

Hugging her tighter I sigh, a cool breeze flows out of my cracked lips, gratefully I know I have one family member safe sound in my arms. Tilting my head to Harry I smile slightly, shaking my head knowing he is the one good thing to come out of all this. I've trusted him with my life in little ways I've learnt that he trusts me just as much.

Harry suddenly notices my starting as he joins my staring competition it seems. The danger of not knowing where he's driving towards doesn't even cross my mind. With a pout he gently lets go of the wheel giving Dottie an ear rub while returning his concentration on the road before us. Happily I look down at the softness he shows towards my French Bulldog.

"I like seeing you like this, you know... just happy."

Shaking my head with a snort I softly laugh back, "do I not look happy when I'm with you?"

"Just right now you look content and you find comfort in familiarity. Dottie," he nods he's head at the little pooch in my lap, "she calms you down the same way you calm me."

"I understand Harry," I hum back smiling brightly at him.

Harry smiles softly, staring into my soul he reaches over to cup the back of my neck and brings me in for a quick kiss. As soon as his pink lips pull away from mine I shake my head, my hair creating a waterfall around me. My pink tinted lips from embarrassment on the situation, this seems to be our normal and I'm only just getting use to it all.

Suddenly the black metal halts causing my eyes to dart towards the windscreen. My eerily quiet home stands before my eyes, the breeze blowing the bushes hazardously which surrounds the front walkway. Leaves flitter over the pathway as my breath stills within my chest. Carefully I place Dottie's limp body onto the floor of Harry's car. Her tired body exhausted from surviving nights without any necessities.

Insuring the windows are cracked open enough for Dottie I slowly slide out Harry's Jeep. Quickly I suck in a breath of air due to my cut stretching past it's comfortable limit.  Catching back my breath from the extreme pain the slight movement causes I watch as Harry strides his way towards my door while on the look out for any danger that could be lurking in the shadows. Gratefully not taking note on my scrunched up face contorted in pain.

"This will be quick okay, we can't stay with your dad if he's here alright?" Harry asks determination in his eyes. I simply look at him unconvinced I can promise him I would listen to his wishes. "Elora, arlight?" He presses further stepping right in front of me.

"Alright," I whisper looking at the front door knowing it'll me hard leaving him here if I find my father.

The door swings harshly into the wall and back. The constant bang sending shivers down my spine. Holding in all sanity I refrain from tearing my way through my home to find my father. Thinking rationally about my safety, Harry's and hopefully my fathers. Slowly I follow Harry's lead quickly watching where we step as to not crunch a leaf or trip over garden mishaps littered over our lawn. Some belongings not even ours just neighbouring and some from maybe even streets or suburbs away from their original home.

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