24| X E R O I N G

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Chapter Twenty-four

The tears seem to evaporate from my eyes the longer the silence continues

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The tears seem to evaporate from my eyes the longer the silence continues. The only sound was the breeze howling past the car as we seem to speed through the streets. The soft rumbling of the engine does the opposite of calming my nerves. My heart is racing, the forceful pump of the organ pushing blood throughout my heated body. The air, the engine and my own heart, funnily enough these three things are the keys to keeping some things alive.

"Harry," I all but softly whisper.

My nails dig into the leather seat holding myself up right to move out of harms way if needed. I now felt safer without a seat belt on. Peering down I notice Dottie lazily laying there on the floor, completely unaware of our predicament, well mine.

"I know about your mum Elora. Why else would I have be assigned to kidnap you?"

Trying to calm down my rapid heart beat is almost impossible to slow, as Harry's voice seems tense. Holding back his emotions, his mask is cracked yet still he wears it to conceal his feelings.

"How do you feel about that... does this thing we have going on, change? Do we change? I just don't understand how you feel, you need to tell me." I quietly breathe out rushing the words.

"You worry too much," Harry scoffs adjusting his grip on the wheel to become less tense.

Gulping I reply, "this is a big deal, of course I'd worry."

"It would be hypocritical of me to hate you Elora. You sit here still trusting me and showing me kindness, you know what my father has done to your family. He's torn your world apart and yet here you are, not judging me for my fathers actions. I can't hold you against Heathers actions."

Releasing a breath of air I didn't know I was holding, I unclench my hands from the leather seat as my body sinks into it. Shutting my eyes I know how my mind can jump to conclusions yet Harry's actions before seemed to encourage them. His tense behaviour is usually normality yet I overlooked it.

"I'm sorry," I breath out closing my eyes.

"You have no need to be love. We'll find somewhere to stay the rest of the Eradication, this hell is nearly over," Harry angrily mumbles the last part.

Curling myself up onto the seat, Dottie springs up at me landing on my cut from Mason making me hiss. Harry's eyes immediately narrow down on the movement and noise I create raising an eyebrow in question to my distress.

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