Tik Tok Crack

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Peter poses the bleach to his mouth

"PETER!" A voice shouts from behind him.

Peter turns around, eyes wide. "Mr.Stark! I uh..."

"What the hell are you doing?" Tony says walking to him.

"I wasn't actually gunna do it I swear-"

"Why the hell did it look like you were then?"

".......I was making a Tik Tok?" He says putting down the bleach.

"What the fuck is that?"

Peter giggles under his breath. "Here let me show you...."

The next day ;)

Nat walked down the hallway of the living quarters.

It was 2 am and she had just been woken up by a loud sound coming from the living room.

As she got closer she could distinguish the words.

"My faTherS a HomO..."

She looked out the hallway.

Peter and Tony. She sighs.

"My moThers nOt thRillEd aT aLl-"

Peter zoomed in on Nat.

She looked at him murderously.

He immediately dropped his phone and ran, screaming, realizing who it was.

Tony followed behind him.

As Peter ran he screamEd:

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