Chapter Eighteen: Thieves Like Us

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Peter's point of view

What was the point of moving on when he didn't have the girl he loved? The one who made his heart soar. The one he'd stop time for. He lost her nine years ago, and just when he got her back, she slipped through his fingers again. Once again, he wasn't fast enough to catch her. Instead, he had to watch her die, while he died along with her. It had been agony, and it still was. All he could think about was Layla, and when he closed his eyes, all he saw was her. Her smile, her beautiful brown eyes, her soft dark brown that he would twirl in his fingers as she laid on his chest, listening to records. He wanted to listen to records with her again, and now that was gone. 


He didn't want to believe that she had died. Couldn't accept that. 

Going to the mall was a blur. He stayed away from the others, while he browsed through looking at clothes with an empty mind. He pulled things off the racks and shelves, he wasn't even sure he liked. He watched as the others laughed having a good time. He even saw Hank and Raven occasionally flirt with each other, which only pained him. He didn't want to be there, but he went. He knew the professor had probably pushed him to leave, and he hated it. He couldn't wait to get back to the house. He desperately wanted to return to Layla, but continued upstairs because his mind ordered him to. Joining Hank's project was the only thing Peter could think of. He didn't want to return home. Especially, now that Layla was gone, but because his dad was here. He hoped that this project would eventually get Layla off his mind, but that was hard. Peter sat on his bed, staring down at the floor with empty eyes. He rubbed his hands over his face, knowing he had to get out. He needed fresh air; needed to clear his mind. How could he though? Standing, Peter opened the door making his way outside. 


The door creaked open, and Layla peaked her head in, holding her breath. Her eyes scanned the room finding no one, and she stood in the threshold, wondering if she had the wrong room. Looking back out into the hall, and seeing that no one was around, she stepped inside shutting the door behind her. There wasn't much in the room other than a bed, drawer, windows, and a door leading to the bathroom. This must be what all the rooms look like, while they wait for the mansion to be built. Stepping further inside, Layla spotted a green jacket on the bed that had been crumpled. Her fingers smoothed over the fabric, her eyes tracing her movements. By the bed was a yellow Walkman that looked exactly like the one Peter owned. The headphones were still attached, and Layla picked up the heavy music player. She turned it over with her hands seeing that a cassette tape was still inside. As she stood there studying it, her eyes caught another cassette that laid next to the lamp. Setting the Walkman down, Layla picked up the cassette with careful fingers. She turned it over, almost dropping it when she read the title. Scribbled in black sharpie was her name. Layla's heart sank, and she swallowed back a sob.

She was about to set the cassette back down when the door burst open, startling her. She kept a tight grip on the cassette as she watched Peter storm in, grabbing his jacket. He slipped it on, and Layla stood there watching, seeing that Peter was unaware she was inside. Her heart leapt in her chest when she saw him, but she saw the dark circles under his eyes. His face seemed pale, and his eyes appeared faded. Even his silver hair that looked darker now appeared to be dull and light. Peter stood in his room, sighing as he rubbed his hands across his face, groaning in frustration. She saw a tear slip down in his face, but he wiped it away with his hand, before he looked back up at his door that had now closed. Peter sagged his shoulders, and he starting making his way back to the door. 

"Peter." Layla said a little too quickly, but she wanted to catch him before he left. 

Peter came to a stop, keeping his body towards the door. Layla tried to take a step closer, but found that her feet were incapable of doing so.

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