Chapter Six: A Quiet Mind

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The lab was silent. 

Layla said nothing and could only stand in the middle of the room staring at her blurred reflection against the solid blue flooring. Not even Charles or Hank uttered a word. Instead they stood, patiently waiting while carrying worried looks on their faces. Hank remained in the corner by his desk, leaning half his body against the white wall. His arms were folded across his chest, and he began to tap his foot nervously against the floor, but hearing how loud it was, he resorted to tightly gritting his teeth. Meanwhile, Charles sat in his wheelchair distancing himself to give Layla space. He thought of trying to read her mind and help her, but doing that would only worsen the situation. Hearing that you can never age can be taken in different ways. For some, it might be terrifying while others might find it exciting. A new adventure perhaps.

For Layla, it was terrifying. Over and over all she did while she stood in the lab was replay Hank's words. 

"You can't age, Layla."

Gawd, the words wouldn't escape her mind. The words echoed in her mind like a broken record player that was stuck on a track. She didn't want to believe it. At first, her mind had a difficult time processing what she had been told. She couldn't wrap her mind around it. She had been worried when Charles informed her that her powers had healed her, bringing her back to life. However, she assumed it was because her healing powers had grown and become stronger, managing to make her heal faster. She was not expecting that it had grown and strengthened so much that it made her...immortal. 

If that's what one would call it. 

The more Layla continued to think about the news Hank delivered to her, a new and frightening realization crept across her mind. The feeling left her empty and heartbroken, and for a second she thought she would go insane. One hand rested against her cheek while her fingers splayed across her bottom lip. Her eyes darted frantically across the blue flooring, turning to a deep shape of purple. As her new ability sank in, she realized all the cons to what some would consider a pro. Instantly, her heart thundered in her chest and her palms became clammy. The lab began to feel small, inching closer and closer, until she felt that she couldn't breath. At the moment, she could jump of her skin and she tried to calm herself, but the feeling only worsened.

She was having a panic attack, and she needed to leave. 

Layla wrapped her arms tightly around her torso, keeping her head low as she backed out of the lab. Her hair fell across one side of her face, concealing herself from Hank and Charles. In an instant, Hank leaned off the wall and began to make his way towards Layla. When she held her hand out, signaling him to stop, he halted and did as told. Letting out a shaky breath Layla spoke. 

"I think...I need a minute to myself. Please, don't tell Peter about any of this." She pleaded with misty eyes. 

"I promise." Charles nodded, frowning. 

Layla whirled around walking to the elevator, and once the doors closed she allowed the tears to spill. She stood by herself in that quiet elevator with her arms wrapped tightly around her torso, trembling. She lowered her head with her chin resting on her chest as her hair pooled around her face, shielding her from the world. Warms tears cascaded down her face, leaving her with tear-stained cheeks. Letting out a shaky breath she tried to stop herself, since she was close to returning back upstairs, but the heartache inside would not allow her to stop. 

As the elevator slowed to a stop and the doors slid open, Layla used her powers to hide herself from others that were around. Luckily, most the students were in bed due to curfew and she was able to make it outside with no problem. When she found she was alone, she revealed herself and sat on the stone steps out back, staring at the vast darkness that covered the yard. A cool breeze drifted in the air, chilling her, but the cold did not numb her as much as the heartache that stirred within. Only the realization that she would never age, and never be with Peter as time went on. He would die, and she never would. She would be without him. That is what numbed and pained her. With no other tears to spill, Layla wrapped her arms around her knees, resting her chin on top of her palms as she stared out into the night. All her thoughts had ceased, and she was left with an empty mind. It felt as if someone had unplugged her emotions and senses, and she was now nothing but an empty body. She tried to snap out of her daze, but the wires wouldn't connect. All was silent around her, and her violet eyes continued to glow, shining in the night. Though her mind was empty, one question continued to swirl in the back of her mind. How was she going to tell Peter?


The Stranger

Tomorrow was the day.

He was not looking forward to tomorrow. The whole night he sat in his dingy, musty smelling motel room flipping through the file that had been given to him. He read it over and over multiple times trying to find some reason as to why Stryker wanted this girl, but there was nothing. Nothing but a few photos that were paper clipped over the single sheet of information he had regarding her. If one even wanted to call it information. There was barely anything written down except a name, birthplace, and powers labeled as unknown, but dangerous. Stryker was unaware about this female's powers, but labeled her as dangerous? He questioned this, but then remembered he and this female had an...encounter. Hell, he questioned this whole damn thing, but if he wanted to be free he had to do this one job. He hated it. 

He really did. 

But if he didn't do this then he'd be stuck in that hell hole for years to come. No one was going to come and rescue him. Looking back at the photos, he guessed she was either younger than him or around the same age. All three of the photos were in black and white and seemed to be taken from security footage. There was one of her being held by a man, and two other ones of her standing in a circular room surrounded by others. His guess was that those were other mutants.

"What the hell did she do to get on Stryker's list?" He wondered. 

Just by looking at these damn photos, he couldn't see anything. Stryker's warning popped inside his mind, reminding him not to be deceived by her. How could he believe anything that asshole said to him? Throwing the folder across the table, he stood up, shaking his head. 

"This is wrong. I shouldn't be doing this. What the hell have I gotten myself in to?" He thought.

He ran a rough hand through his hair, desperately wanting to punch a hole through the motel wall. Pacing back and forth, he wondered if he should bail. If he backed out, Stryker would know and he would be back in the prison. Sitting on the bed, he stared at that thin folder, and snapped himself out of his daze. He accepted the mission from Stryker and as much as he hated it, he wanted to be free, and would do whatever it took to get the girl. A cruel, but pained smile lifted his lips at that thought. How cold he has become. 

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