Part 4

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Sophia's POV:

"It really says that? You're making that up!" He was barely able to contain his laugh.

"I swear!" I replied showing him my screen phone. Jared still had a grin on his face when he grabbed my phone and his fingers touched mine, and that chemistry between us appeared again. I looked into his blue eyes when he answered me.

"It wouldn't be a problem..." He stated as he was approaching his face to my face, and with the last word Jared captured my lips. "Actually, I would enjoy it." After each word he placed a peck on my lips.

"Okay..." I mumbled. "My turn."

"Tell me a number." Jared said getting away again and looking at the list on my phone.

"Eighty-five." As I was saying the number, I was hoping it was not an uncomfortable or embarrassing question.

"What is your dream destination?" I breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's a difficult one, because there are so many places that I would love to go... but if I have to pick only one, maybe I would say New York."

"Oh, excellent choice. I love that city and I like to get lost around there, there's plenty of beautiful places." The way he talked about New York, with admiration, was enchanting.

From then on, we spent a really good time knowing each other with all kind of questions. I found out very fascinating things about him, like his passion for music or that he liked to climb and wanted to learn more about that; he also explained hard stuff that occurred to him and how he exceeded. Until now, I could tell Jared was a talented and hard-working man. But he also had his funny side given that he made some jokes during a couple of questions.

Furthermore, I told him things about myself, including my hobbies such as photography or meditation. One of my questions asked about stereotypes and my answer led us to a long dialogue on that subject. It was pleasant to have meaningful talk as well as curious inquiries. Speaking of quirky questions...

"What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?" I heard him read aloud and then his eyes searched mine and a smirk appeared on his attractive face. To be honest, it was Jared along with dirty thoughts, but I didn't want to tell him. I remembered his previous offer about refusing to answer, how bad could a challenge be? Besides, it could be fun.

"I think it's time to make a dare..." I said biting my lower lip nervously. It had been over an hour since we started that little game, but we were still leaning on the plush couch, and my legs were intimately intertwined with his.

"You know, if you don't tell me I will think that was about me..." Jared said with a deep voice and raising an eyebrow.

"You were the one who said that you could take a challenge instead of answering, so now don't insist and propose something..." I replied avoiding his eyes, sometimes his direct gaze could be intimidating. "But go easy on me, okay?" I noticed Jared moistened his lips while he was thinking about something.

"What about..." He made a pause as he brought his thumb to his lower lip and started to caress it. Why he had to made that? He was teasing me; I wanted to touch his lips again. "No, not that." It was like he was talking to himself and he was driving me crazy. "Okay, I want..."

"Just say it!" I didn't want to sound desperate to knowing it, but I couldn't help it.

"Oh, I see that someone is dying to obey my instructions..." The way he affirmed that words aroused me. I looked at the floor as I felt my cheeks burn, the truth was that I desired him so badly. "You could dance..."

"Dance?" I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't think he would ask for that.

"Yes, dance. Is an easy thing... or would you rather answer the question?" I shook my head as he pronounced the last sentence. What was I supposed to dance?

"But..." He cut me off before I could say anything else.

"But nothing. Play the first song that sounds in your phone and dance, beauty." I must admit that when Jared spoke with a serious voice, and giving commands, was a turn-on for me.

I did what he said. I stood up from the sofa grabbing my mobile and searching the music. A slow rhythm began to sound when I played the song. I took a quick look at Jared before closing my eyes, it would be easier to start dancing if I did not look at him. A flirty smile was on his face, and I could see lust in his blue eyes.

With my eyes closed I inhaled a deep breath and then I started moving my hips with the sound of music. As the seconds ticked by, I began to move other parts of my body and was feeling more confident. And before I knew it, I felt pair of hands on my waist. My back was against his chest and he pulled me closer to him and with that I found out his hardness.

"Look what you've done." His voice was a whisper in my ear. I tilted my head back, resting it on his shoulder and that action gave him total access to my neck. He saw the opportunity of place a kiss under my ear, and he did it. The feeling of his warm tongue on my sensitive skin pushed me over the edge, and I squeezed my thighs as a reflex response.

I turned around to face him the moment he pulled away his mouth. I ran my hands over his chest searching for the first button of the shirt and unbuttoning it, I did the same with the rest of them. I could not help but lower my gaze to see his skin that had just been exposed. I was about to take his shirt completely off, but his deft hand gripped my chin and I got lost in his brilliant eyes. "What's the rush?" Jared murmured before kissing my neck again and I moaned into his ear. This slow pace was killing me.

"Jared..." I whined when his lips brushed mine.

"What do you want, Sophia?" Jared said, and those words were a curse to get swept up in him.

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