Part 9

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Jared's POV:

Sophia was taking a shower, and I took the opportunity to finish what I couldn't do with her by my side. Everything had gone as planned. The night we met, I got the set of clothes that had caught my attention and I already had them in a box. I just needed to include a small detail.

I went to the bathroom door, to check if I could hear the water run. Indeed, she still was showering. I grabbed my suitcase to seek the paper she read the first day, the one with a possible idea for a song. Once I found it, I wrote down another thing. Subsequently, I placed the letter with the gift in the box before storing it again, so she wouldn't see it.

When I asked Sophia her address to provide her a car to get her to my hotel, the real plan was having it to delivery this. I had everything ready. In less than an hour, she would leave, since I had to be at the airport in two hours. I was going to send someone to her house when she left; this way Sophia would receive it instantly.

What I hadn't planned were the feelings I had developed during these two days, it was more than just physical attraction. A part of me wanted to know more about her, to know things about her past, her passions and her quirks.

I was immersed in my thoughts when I sensed her arms wrap my waist from behind, and then she rested her chin on my shoulder. I brought my right hand to her right arm to caress it. I wanted to feel as much skin-to-skin contact as possible before Sophia left.

"Sooo..." She spoke. "That's it, isn't it?" In her tone I could notice a certain sadness.

"I guess..." I didn't want to tell Sophia that I wanted to see her again yet or mention anything that might spoil my surprise.

"Well, at least we had a good time." She murmured in my ear before slightly bite the lobe. Between the feel of her teeth on my skin and her body pressed in my back, I was getting aroused again.

"Don't do that. I don't have time to fuck you again." I stated clenching my jaw and letting out a grunt at the end of the sentence. Then I turned inside her embrace to face her. One of my hands traveled to her back, pulling her body against mine for the last time. And the other hand went up to her neck to bring her beautiful face close to mine.

My lips met fiercely with hers. In that kiss was reflected the strong desire we both felt and the little desire to being separate that we had. My tongue danced with hers without knowing if it would be the last time. The feeling of that intense wet kiss and the sounds that were escaping from our mouths, made my member twitch inside my pants. The passion of the moment was eagerly consuming me, if we continued like this we would end up in the bed again and did not have time.

I decided to break the kiss, but not before grabbing her lower lip with my teeth and lightly biting it until Sophia let out a whine. When I put some distance between our faces, I instantly perceived how the sensitive spot I had bitten was bleeding. Maybe I had not chewed her as gently as I thought. "Sorry." I said as she was moistening her sore lips, tasting her own blood. The next thing I did was take my thumb on her lower lip and stroke it softly. "I got carried away..."

"Don't worry, Jared." She spoke with that sweet tone as her right hand went to my chest. Sophia was looking keenly at me, and I lost myself in the innocence that her eyes transmitted; however, her following words weren't innocent at all. "I may or may not like the adrenaline you make me feel..." Now she softened her voice, making it sensual. And with that statement my creative mind started to plan our next time together.

"Are you trying to get us to bed again?" I said lifting an eyebrow.

"Maybe..." She told me with her mouth brushing mine. Her arms were resting on my shoulders now while my left hand kept caressing her cheek and my left one was grabbing Sophia's hip. We were going to melt into another kiss when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

"Damn it." I cursed knowing that our time together was reaching its end. With the hand I had on her hip, I picked up the phone. It was a message telling me I had to leave for the airport shortly. "Bad news, playtime is over." I stated storing the mobile in my pants again. Sophia quickly moved away from me. "Not so fast."

I went to catch her bag that was on the couch, and then I came near her again. She was playing nervously with her fingers when I grabbed one of her hands and intertwined my fingers with hers. In that instant I realized it was the first time I did that with Sophia, and the simple touch sent a shiver down my spine.

When I raised my gaze from our hands to look at her, I saw she was also viewing that union. I was sure she had felt that electricity travel through her body too. I squeezed her hand to make Sophia look at me. I observed how she slowly lifted her eyes to found mine, her cheeks were colored with that tone I already had become familiarized; and for a second, it seemed to me that she was trying to fight the urge to cry, since she rapidly blinked a couple of times.

I offered Sophia her purse, and with the other hand she caught it. Now that my other hand was free, I took it to her nape and whispered: "You are so cute, beauty." Then she buried her head in my neck.

"Stop making me blush!" She pronounced still hidden from my stare.

"Okay, okay. But don't hide." Sophia giggled before cautiously raising her face from the crook of my neck. Still with our fingers entwined, I guided her to the door. Before opening it, I pressed her body against it.

"You and your habit of pinning me..." She murmured when she felt my figure towering her.

"Yup, I can't help it." I shrugged. "Well, Sophia... pleasure to meet you." I said remembering her words the night we first met. Then I brought her hand, the one that I hadn't let go yet, to my lips and set a gentle peck on her skin.

"Oh, the pleasure was mine." She answered quoting me this time.

"I hope you had more fun these days than when you were using your phone on that event to kill the boredom..." I joked recalling that night.

"I assure you that with you I haven't been bored a single moment." She responded smiling and making me do the same.

"Good." I forced my lips to hers to place a peck there and then I hugged her, enjoying her body leaned on mine and smelling her scent.

"I hope you have a good flight..." She told me when we were in the embrace. "Goodbye Jared." She whispered when we finally split up.

"Goodbye, Sophia." I said after tenderly kissing her forehead and before opening the door.

As she left the suite, her hand traveled from my shoulder to my right hand; her delicate fingers stroked my skin delicately and slowly, and that was the last touch she gave me before being on my own.

While I was in the car on the way to the airport, I couldn't stop thinking about what Sophia's reaction would be when she received the package. Would she like it? In my imagination, I pictured her opening the gift and blushing as she shyly bit her lower lip when she discovered the clothes.

I was looking out the window at the streets of Paris, when I received a message from Sophia. "You're insane! Thanks for everything. I loved your note. I hope to see you soon, so I can dress my new clothes." A smile appeared on my lips as I was reading it.

"Maybe sooner than you think." That was my reply and I wasn't lying. In November I had to go back to Europe with the band because we would be attending to the EMAs and doing gigs in some cities.

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