Part 23

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Author's note: Thank you to everyone who took time to read this, unfortunately this romantic tale is coming to an end. This chapter it's the last one but I'm thinking of making an epilogue. All your feedback it's appreciated, and I'd love to hear your opinions about the story / chapter or any doubts you might have about it. Now, enjoy the chapter <3

Sophia's POV:

I growled when I felt the sunlight on my face, I slowly turned around on the luxurious bed to seek shelter in Jared's chest. Instead, I found cold sheets. Still with closed eyes I tentatively reached out my hand looking for his body, but I didn't touch him; I decided to open an eye to scan the room: there was no sign of Jared.

I grabbed his pillow with the intention of protecting myself from the brightness, and as I did it my palm discovered something underneath. I leaned my elbows on the mattress to get up slightly, and then I took the note that was there. A smile was drawn on my face the second I recognized his handwriting.

'I have a surprise for you, come find me outside when you wake up.'

I rolled over again, resting my back on the bed with a satisfied smile, I could feel the happiness radiating from each pore of my skin. I've been traveling with Jared all over France this last week and a half, and it's been surprisingly good because I've been able to know more sides of him that I loved so much.

During the nights he was so passionate about his job, and his workaholic self was present most of all those mornings. He always had stuff to do, emails to read, interviews to do, songs to create. But I'm not complaining about it, since I found myself fitting on his routine: whether was by simply enjoying the quietness sitting beside him arranging things for my imminent trip the States or when he asked for my opinion on songs he was working. Although he didn't mention that song that he was murmuring for a whole day and I really wanted to listen to it.

I was about to get up when I saw there was something written on the other side of the note.

'P. S: Put some clothes on. I don't want that little ass that belongs to me getting cold.'

I could not help the chuckling. It never ceases to amaze me how he can be sweet, funny and enticing at the same time.

While I got up the bed my mind was thinking about the first time we shared a suite. It's been two months since then and what seemed to have started as a simple weekend affair had become something I could not have imagined back then.

I put one of his sweatshirts over my nightshirt, as well as long pajama pants. I loved to feel his clothes on me, his intoxicating smell was still present on the fabric of the hoddie, and I inhaled Jared's scent closing my eyes. Before exiting the room, I went through the bathroom to wash my face and comb my hair a bit. And I couldn't help but smile when I saw our toiletries mixed on the counter.

When I finished, I decided to go outside the room. He wasn't on the suite's living room, and I figured out he would be on the private balcony. I crossed my arms across my chest as I tiptoed stealthily to the large door that led outside. Through the white curtains I could see Jared with his back to me, contemplating the city at his feet: Marseille.

"Good morning, angel." I said tenderly wrapping my arms around him, hugging him tightly as I pressed my slim figure against his back. I laid my head over his shoulder after placing a quick kiss on Jared's neck.

His hands travelled from the balcony's rail to my hands, to entangle his fingers with mine. Then he took our right palms to his sensual lips and gently kissed the inside of my wrist. "Bonjour, beauty." He replied with that French of his that make my stomach's butterflies instantly appear.

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