/ Where Do We Begin? /

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#EPISODE 1 - Where Do We Begin / It's Starco! / The Visit


*Where do we begin? Like an Ode we'll start with a long monologue from the author stating that he can't quite understand things. That he needs some plea for divine intervention to come down and grace the page, but we won't do that today.

Today we'll do something much more simple. Something that all can understand in the moments of these principles.

I'm going to tell you that someday these words will fall to no one and will be forgotten in time. This is fine. It's all meant to be. The love I've shown for a nice show, the posters that behold what's seen, the people that have come and gone from me. I've witnessed somethings and somethings I shouldn't have, but through the liars, and thieves, and grieving, bickering and trolling... A new world formed and in my mind it's as real as you can believe. A world where timelines clash and pocket dimensions shatter and weave what is read. Someday I hope it to be true for you all the same. Thank you. I love everything you've done for me.*

[What a miserable day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0XEYrJkn0A), as I recollect, but you're not meant to know that. Hell, I'm not even meant to know that. This land, after all, is as mysterious as it is unforgiving. After so many years of debating and integrating, I don't remember much.

"Jarco?" He pronounced in his Slavic accent. "It had been taken! Most of the Jarco kin were wiped clean by the storm or escaped and took refuge in the Tomar Kingdom... Rumors say that some Jarco refugees began to flood the gates of the City of Neutrality." His face went grave. "Some willingly lent themselves to the terrifying Starco." This man of legend, a leader among his infantry had been lead down a dark and convoluted path but now commanded his own army. Some feared, some taunted, but despite an indescribable reputation, most knew his name: Terepin.

The wooden room of the ship was muggy and the mood of the captain's room embodied this embattled setting.

At this point, his men were weak, tired, weary; most were hired from Terepin's own pocket, but his care for treasure was always a novelty. There was nothing worth more than vengeance. His mind was always wandering back to revenge- since a slew of downvotes laid waste to his wife, downvotes that a wandering Starco fleet had unjustly handed, as is the story of many posters.

"You do realize we're running out of time, Tere. It isn't on our side." The room fell silent as Kuriyan spoke. His men could tell you of Terepin's anger, but so could KuriyanBBQ. He said it with integrity.

Terepin grit his teeth in response, "Time is on no one's side."

His hired propagandists, Kuriyan stood next to the tacticians' map that laid before him. The large vessel swayed side to side, as Kuriyan attempted to keep from wobbling. Some of Terepin's other subordinates surrounded their boss.

"Starco is so... so strong at this point, with all the headcanon lying around as fodder." He looked down at the map that lay before him. "Five generals. CardButton, here on the peninsula. iLoppio at the foot of Mt. Retcon. Dark_Magus is patrolling between the Bloodmoon Sea and the great Starconian Islands. The dreaded Spoderman holds training for the novices at the Grand Device Estates. And FrostyJam is cultivating minds in the Great Library of Archives."

"Sir, the emperor." RedLkas, a mercenary, expressed slowly.

"You'd think I'd forgotten about the most dangerous man in the MetaScape? Unlikely. He's spreading the Empire too thin, attempting to keep watchful tabs on the Tomar kingdom now that they've gone canon." He laughed a small bit, but his smile fell flat. "He knows that his time is short. The sand moves slowly, but once the final grain stands, it falls like the rest."

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