Traveling Buddies / The Reawakening / Discussion Thread

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#EPISODE 8 - Traveling Buddies / The Reawakening / Discussion Thread




"Starco Lover," Boba said, attempting to RogueryNight's attention. "I want to concrete in your head that just because we are on this quest together, it doesn't make us friends." It had been six days since the battle. Enough time for things to settle down. Enough time for the heat of enemies to cool from a boil to a simmer, and just enough time for the warriors to eat and sleep. Boba speaking like this made no difference to RogueryNight because he knew if Jeep was correct it would mean his fate would remain in the hands of the empire. It would mean everything.

"You listen here, Studo, I need you and you need me for this expedition. We aren't even a day out from Tomar and you have expressed your hatred of me twelve separate times, once even going against my mother. My mother isn't as large as the Starco Empire and I still don't respect that sentiment." He had chivalrously given up his horse for her to ride.

"Yes, but you haven't seen what the Starco Empire does to my precious fanart, my precious people to make me this way." She began to rummage through her pockets and pulled out a list. She handed it to the knight. "You look there. These are the posts that I've accumulated between the time I had begun my reign and now. The proof is here." The knight looked over the document and it was true. All Studo-related posts- even the platonic ones- were downvoted relentlessly.

"Alright, I do get it, but you also have to remember I'm in a bit of a Starco-related pickle myself. I didn't file proper paperwork and now I'm a man on the lamb, and you're on my horse."

Good horse.

"Well, then, we can come to terms on one thing. What the empire has done to my people isn't quite the nicest. In the before times, I lead the Tomkies. The empire settled our differences when the kingship expanded over our lands. We knew we couldn't take on the empire, so we joined them." He patted his horse as he walked. "Tomkie and Starco can go canon together and both live in harmony. The same like the Marclipsians and Tomar."

Another pause came over the two in a moment of self-realization.

" The Great Nefcy wouldn't let us down like that. She could bestow on anyone at this point canonical greatness. Hell, it happened to the Tomars." Night reflected on this statement, for The Meta actually had no clue if that was the truth.

"Well, I like surprises, and I have faith in my heart that the Great Nefcy will endow the minority and wouldn't it be such a thrill to know she smiled on our little clan."

"Yes. I have to agree that would be a surprise, but it wouldn't it be a strange occurrence in such a humble show to grant a crackship the O.T.P?"

"If I hear crackship off your tongue again I'm gonna take it." Silence once more as the hooves trotted into the mud. "But yes, I believe that all Ships deserve one thing. Redemption. Even Starco."

"See, we do agree, then. I'm in it for the same!" exclaimed Roguery. "We do share horse, a Ship's redemption, this path."

"...Right, this Northwestern path. Past the Forest of Season 2b. Over the Retcon Pass. Beyond the Starco Toll, and over the Valley of Demise, and then what?"

"And then we need to talk to someone for some odd reason. Whoo, boy! That was a lot of exposition!" The knight stretched while he walked. His body felt new since the great night's sleep he managed to get in the Kingdom of Tomar.

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