Spirit of Unity / Release the Swarm / I'm the Meme!

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#EPISODE 9 - Spirit of Unity / Release the Swarm / I'm the Meme!




Chidori sat there. Not knowing if he was free. If his indentured servitude was paid in full. His hands were tied and the dagger was at his throat. Metaphorically, of course.

"Gabe, do you think the nightmare is over?"

"Hardly. The better question is, do you really believe he'll let us live?"

"Hardly." Chidori115 came back. "If he kills us, then so be it; we tried."

"And if he does spare us, we're cowards and traitors. Hardly a fitting role, Chidori." Gabe grabbed more food from the mess that was on the table in the captain's quarters. "He's always listening; you know that, right? I'm quite sure we've already said too many unforgivable things today."

"Eh, it's beyond my care, now." Chidori115 gulped on his water as he stared out in the courtyard of the Estates. The night of the MetaScape filled where once the younglings, initiates, and fledglings had played and trained. "The estates are cleared, the pieces are set, and pretty soon, the wolves will be howling at our door looking for shelter like the animals they are."

"Cirdan is starting on his memoir."

"That's nice," Chidori said flatly. "We should be doing the same."

"Nah, it isn't my place," Gabe came back, though his voice cracked for just a moment.

"This isn't how it was meant to be." Little did Chidori know as he spoke those words so recited the great Mason_Pines and Stardust. "This isn't how things we're s'posed to play out," The door opened, CirdanTheShipWriter peeked his head in first and then the door creaked ajar.

"Ah, Cirdan, come in. We're loathing."

"Sir, I've sent out the last of the young ones on horseback," Cirdan spoke with as much regret as the other commanders. "One stayed, sir."

"What!? I told you to get all of them out of here!" Chidori finally broke down. Tears began to roll down his face. He tried to not cry and to stay strong for his subordinates, but his body was reacting to a far greater need.

"I'm sorry, Chidori, but he stayed of his own accord." Slowly, but confidently, walked in one of the strongest and elder Starco trainees. By name, he went by DinoDinoDude66. Chidori knew of him, mostly on paper, but Spoder had trained him personally.

"No, sir, I'm sorry, but being where I stand- I am sworn to protect all Starco ground," said the young man, brave and unwavering. Chidori pulled himself together, sat down and put his hands in his face. He returned to the room mentally after sighing.

"Boy, you have no idea what kind of force comes knocking," he said finally, in response.

["Matters not, my liege, I will tell you now as I've told the others. I will face whatever heads our way. I will fight in the name of Starco no matter the atrocities that swarm our land." He pulled out his broadsword, held it before him, and held it upright. "If you don't help me, then I will face this army alone."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CfpPdrhW4k)

"It's suicide," Gabe_The_Animated came back. "A noble cause, but absolute suicide."

"Then I will accept my fate after I battle. I will have Coraline cross my name out with grace. You all taught me so much, here, and now it's my time to give back. It's all of your times to give back! We live Starco, we die Starco!"

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