/ FrostBite / Ghost Never Leave /

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#EPISODE 6 - / FrostBite / Ghost Never Leave /




**7 Months Prior to the Battle of Marclipsa**

Under the veil of darkness, a wandering man could be seen strolling along the muddy ground of the woods. Some said he was a demon; others said he was a fool, a madman roaming around a dark forest not only in the middle of the night but also so close to the Starco Empire.

The man, of course, paid no attention to what drunk travelers had to say about him when trading stories in some rambunctious hostel in the middle of nowhere. All Zero knew was that his Karma grew in high reserves.

No, all he thought about that moment was patting himself on the back, for he had done good work that day plundering a traveling merchant from the Empire. The poor sod didn't expect a thing. Running off like he'd just seen a ghost - absolutely priceless. 

Though he couldn't help but wonder why cowardly rich folks like that guy could thrive with this bloody war going on. It was also quite ironic considering how the Empire was so infamous for their valiant military force, one that wasn't afraid to sacrifice the life of a foot soldier in the name of the "greater good" as they like to say. Good lot they do, he hadn't even had to talk his way to a patrol in months- or fight his way.

Brave men on the front, protecting sniveling cowards hiding behind the walls. This was the reason why Zero enjoyed stealing from the Empire and giving it to much more needy individuals. The bringer of Fanart, the Harbinger of artist's ply, a mover of information and upvotes. It was just, it was the right thing to do. Many would disagree, obviously, but Subzero cared not.

"Another day of good work, another day closer to a brighter future," Sub mumbled to himself. "That day is getting closer - I can just feel it." He flipped a few coins in his hand.

"*Is that a fact now?*"

"Wha?" Subzero spun his head around to find a man of large stature wearing a dark cloak over a merchant's vest. He seemed happy to see him. His cheeks flushed.

"Who... who are you?" Sub stuttered. In a dark, damp forest like this with wet mud all over the ground, you would think it'd be pretty hard to sneak up on someone, especially a god damned ninja.

 Subzero could've sworn that there was nobody behind him just a few moments earlier.

"Me? Nobody important really," he said with a raspy voice. "But the /u/'s JeepDave if that's what you're interested in. Call me Dave, or Jeep."

"What on the fandom are you doing out here so late- in the middle of... nowhere?"

Jeepdave simply shrugged.

"Heard your voice echoin' from far on down, just thought I might as well check on you. Call it a concern for a fellow man with wanderlust in his heart. Packing up my things and such over on Retcon Highway..." His voice sounded coy. Sub was suspicious.

"Right," Sub stared at him blankly, unsure what to make of the situation, "Either way- you better find a shelter or an inn somewhere fast. It's not safe out here."

"Well, heh... I would if I could. There's a tavern about two stone throws away from here but the owner kicked me out for selling Tomar gear." Jeep looked up with sympathetic eyes and shrugged. "Guess most folks don't wanna get inspected by the Empire, know what I'm sayin'? Guy won't even take my money, the crackshipper." He began to walk to the nearest tree and leaned against it.

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