StarryNight / Parting Gifts / Mobilizing

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#EPISODE 19 - StarryNight / Parting Gifts / Mobilizing




"Boba. Boba. It isn't that bad. She'll be fine. Look, she's a goddamn lunatic. Lunatics never die." Roguery's face was apprehensive as Boba's tears hit the ground. The salt flats absorbed the water as if the dirt itself was thirsty.

["Yeah, Boba, It's your girl, Maka. Even if she is dead, you know Coraline will bring her back again," Kyle joked. Roguery shot Sir Kyle a look that could slay a small deer. Boba gulped a bit harder after Kyle was done. "Come on. They probably let her join."](

"Join? She's probably already a General." Boba got up slowly from her knelt position, wiped the tears from her eyes, and started along the path.

All three, mounted the horses in silence- good horses- and continued down the broken path to 4chan.

They came to a desolate spot, a cave that opened to the side of a mighty mountain that was beside the road. The path continued to wind down, but this was their destination. The closer they got to the land of 4chan, the mightier their need to argue and hate, as was the natural aura of the dank world beyond the pale. After a short while of bickering and bantering and circlejerking around a single subject, they walked to the mighty mouth of the cave.

They waited at the mouth and Roguery was the only one to actually know what was going to happen. Large bellows came from the cavern, then a rumbling that could rival an earthquake. 

A massive snout came poking out. Through the nostrils, smoke seethed out and not before long an enormous dragon was sitting at the foot of the cave. Boba trembled and SirKyle pulled his heater and broadsword. Roguery simply walked up to the dragon.

The dragon laid down, reminiscent of a dog basking in the sun. "Hello, warriors. Anchovacado is I, the post keeper and upvote keeper. I know why you're here." Roguery shyly went up and rubbed the grand dragon on the nose. He seemed to enjoy that- good dragon. "Warriors. I must admit. I will give you a single riddle and you will give me one answer. If you answer incorrectly I will have to devour you," he said without remorse.

"We are here to receive the only weapon that can slay The Lurker King," Roguery said humbly.

"Ah, but of course. Let us get started, then." He shot smoke out from his nose and completely covered Boba and Kyle in the dingy gas. "Warriors. What can slide and stay still, what rolls and stands? What heats to fire and chills to ice? It times the world and can be found in plenty. You could never hold it but it creates the land. More of it in the universe than stars in the sky, while it falls and while it melts. What could "it" be?" spoke the dragon. All three got together and began to debate.

"If we get it wrong, we get eaten. Rogy, please don't get us eaten," said Boba as they huddled their arms together.

"I'm gonna guess water," Kyle said quietly.

"Oh, that's a good one," Roguery came back.

"It's time," Boba started in.

"No. Time was in the riddle. It wouldn't be in there if it was it." Roguery looked at Boba, befuddled.

"Oh, I thought he meant the herb."

"It's booty. Like a butt!" Came a high pitched voice that was in the huddle. It was manic energy incarnate.

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