Dark Magic / On Their Way / Nerds and Artists and Oracles / The Voyage

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#EPISODE - Dark Magic / On Their Way / Where There's Smoke... / Nerds and Artists and Oracles / The Voyage




It had been three days and the Lurker Legion was nearly on the door of the main Starco grounds, but even with the marching feet of one of the largest army ever assembled by the sub approached, the treads from a special new machine turned the ground to mud. With Homonclus unconscious, the King a noncombatant, and iLoppio still at the neutral city, no one was left to lead this haphazardly assembled remnant-Starco army. No one besides Dark_Magus.

Behind him, Ngame, who was now officially in charge of cavalry, a position that Spoder would have assumed. He also commanded the Leader of the Archers, Itsyoboi, who had just returned with Chidori from the first Lurker encounter. Chidori laid next to Decker in the medical ward.

The flags were held high as the Starco Nation marched. Their carrier's teeth chattered in the wind. Dark_Magus looked over his vast army, but he was already aware that this army was nowhere near the size of the sea of people known as the Lurker Legion.

"They were all mostly green, but my Daron, Magus. There were so many of them that even finding a break in information was difficult." Chidori took a sip of his tea and Gabe wished to chime-in from aside. "It truly reminded me of scale-mail, where one ring overlaps another. Scary isn't the correct word."

"It was awful. I've never seen anything like it. We could have had twenty more archers and three more hours and we still wouldn't have made a dent in the numbers." Gabe took a look at his leg's injury. Poking it and wincing.

"Be warned Magus; they may be disorganized but they have a fearsome ferocity," Chidori came back one last time.

Dark_Magus had one word stuck in his head. Furosity. Over and over and over, wondering, exactly how ferocious was their ferocity?"

He looked around and saw the slow-moving tanks that the Tomkie Nation had constructed. Moving artillery- mobile canons, lumbering along with the help of his arcane prowess. They each housed a very small platoon of men that required it to operate. TheSealTamer led the formation of these tanks, in a more compact and mobile vehicle.

He could hear the marching of feet stomping the ground. He could hear the beat from the drum of war that echoed in the morning. The flag carrier's teeth still chattered in the excitement of death.

"Too bad the artists of legend couldn't join this battle!" yelled out Itsyoboi; the horse underneath him whinnied in response.

"Yes, but they've already helped us enough for this remarkable occasion!" Dark_Magus called back. "It serves them not to see the hand of the sub come to their power! They have their own regimes to worry about in the land of Tumblr and Discord!"

"Very true, sir! It would just have been nice." They held their heads down to the horizon. They didn't know if it was any moment now or days from today that they'd see the army. The only word that Dark_Magus could scry was "eventually".


The Tomar forces were scarce and far and few in between, but they were armed. Not only were they manufacturing a plentiful amount of weapons and had a significant stock at their disposal, they knew how to use it. Not only could they use the guns and ammunition properly, but they were efficient at direct combat and guerrilla warfare. They were also incredibly lucky, but no one knew that besides me.

Meta Wars / Season One /Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt