/ The World Keeps Turning /

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#EPISODE 22 - / The World Keeps Turning /




[I looked down at my badge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPeTtg3fTB8&list=PLw_HSPuoFWCfN14ZxPOEHefH2YulGWsRm). It felt like it was the only thing that separated me from the people. I recalled how many times I'd stared at it like this, for this very reason, to remind me of this job. The discipline of content that divides this sub from the decision of many other places in the Meta-Scape.

We sat in this office, a skyscraper that loomed almost as tall as the RHC building itself. Above the underbelly, over The Mids and Highs of Statera. I wish I could help them all- all of them down there. It just couldn't be like that.

"Aulus," I looked at my partner; he'd been looking over some paperwork before we had to leave for the elevator. "I've been thinking about our responsibilities here." I was ready for nearly anything on a daily basis, but something was eating at me. It was a feeling of desired repentance and I knew it.

79 was running over a few old maps of the Underbelly, making what looked like calibrations to the maps of the catacombs we had found in the Great Northern Archive. Anonim didn't know we cleared access, but it was basically a totem of unemployment, that place. It wasn't much of a labor just telling the officials we were ordered to investigate, flash a badge, and leave.

"Yeah?" he said. I could feel his neglect towards my emotion. I decided to drop it. I don't think he was ready to hear it.

"Nah, you know what- my responsibility is here." I quickly changed the direction of the conversation that hadn't even begun.

"Oh, yeah...that's nice." He went on without really thinking much of what I was saying. He was sketching things out as well as he could to make a makeshift map to possibly guide us through The Catacombs.

"You almost done?"

"Close to it," he called back. The low dim of the offices were making my eyes hurt. "Down Episode Avenue...god damn, this goes on for miles, Killer. How did no one know for so long?"

"Graves are meant to be forgotten." I didn't want to sound melancholy, just realistic.

That got his attention. He slowly looked up from the paperwork and slowly looked back down. It was something he needed to hear, then. After moments he responded.

"If graves were meant to be forgotten we wouldn't have gods." We are all entitled to our opinion.

It was about time we be getting some sleep. We were planning on sleeping in the office and getting up for the continuation. No matter, we were paid on salary.

I looked down at my desk. *Dear Be-. It's been some time- I mean- while I'm here it means it's been all- Time works so strangely here compared to- You may not get this letter, this note, this message, but I have a sneaking suspicion that--" That was all I could read from that angle. The second paper atop blocked most of the letter. My handwriting is atrocious.


We were on our way. My labor for this map was what we needed. Melon might know the way, but we now knew the catacombs. I've looked over my map many times now, and I thank Daron every day for this gift. The catacombs were my oyster.

I could tell KC was almost out for the count on spirit, but I just knew we needed to close up this case. That'll get 'em back to the way he's been. You know, for not really knowing him all that long, he was kinda a guy that I felt like I could trust. That was a rare moment. If I respected every man half as much as I respected Killer, I'd probably have had the shirt stolen off my back by now.

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