/ You Maka Fool Outta Me /

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#Episode 3 - / You Maka Fool Outta Me /


[RogueryNight couldn't have known what would happen to him in the coming days.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcqWyyHlCDA)

His armor was heavy, but it was made of the finest Nefrald, so it wasn't quite as encumbering as his previous set. He wasn't required to be quite as tense in this suit, but the fact remained that he was tired and his horse was exhausted.

The glimmering sun of the Metascape was nestling nicely right over Mt. Retcon, and just shy of the Starco Citadel.

"It's time to pack it up and rest." He said to his horse. It was apparent that the horse agreed. He had been trailing the army for three days straight.

Off the road, he had found himself a nice glen not too deep into the forest's mouth. Next to the road laid an embankment upon which sat a creek. His food was scarce at this point so he rigged a small net to bait out provisions. He didn't dare take his armor off this close to the Tomar Kingdom. He knew he'd have to sleep as such. His insignias would incur the wrath of a Tomar patrol immediately due to his ideals and affiliation.

He started a fire, but not so large as to make his presence known, and began to settle in, his shield and sword by his side. While he laid his head against the hull of the overturned tree, he began to remember his old times- his old crew, the ones that he had sailed with when he was just a Cooper in the open waters of the Disney Ocean, those mighty sails, those gallant songs they sang.

As he was about to logoff for the night, one sound disturbed his actions.


A lone twig snapped in the distance behind him. His horse was in the opposite direction, so he knew he wasn't alone. He ducked down beneath the log and looked into the distance behind the glen.

He saw no movements in the dusk.

"Hi," Came a deep raspy voice.

Roguery turned around quickly and realized a man was squatting on the stump from the fallen tree, just meters from him. So close, in fact, he could now hear the cigar that crackled as the man smoked. So close, in fact, that his heart began to beat quickly and the adrenaline rush had begun to take effect. He was ready for combat. He began to reach for his shield and blade slowly.

"No need, but this is an awesome sword you have. A Starco Imperial, huh, buddy?" He investigated the hilt and unsheathed the sword slightly. "Oh, and you're not just a knight, but a Field Marshal? Alone? What a rare find I've stumbled across!" The large man adorned in a huge backpack bulging with many trinkets and scrolls began to sit on the stump from his kneeling position. "Name's Dave. JeepDave. Hey, hey now, calm down. I'm not here to fight."

"I-I've never been snuck up on like that before." Roguery still didn't trust this man in a leather vest and simple merchant clothing. *There was no way he was just a travelling salesman.*

"Here. Catch." Dave threw the knight his sword back. Roguery caught it effortlessly and proceeded to get up. Jeep continued to puff on his cigar. "Yeah, you learn a few things on the road...Well, now that you're armed, aren't you going to try to kill me? Being part of the Starco militia, you must know I'm not of your friend, eh, friend?" He flicked a small portion of the ash off of his cigar.

"That does not align with my code. I only attack to defend. If you have no interest in attacking then I implore you to leave me be, before I consider defying my code in a fit of sleep deprivation." The knight took a seat while poking the fire.

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