/ The Fight for Statera /

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#SEASON 1 FINALE - PART 1 - The Fight for Statera




[The large doors that housed the city crept open. The foot of the entrance led to a bridge which led to the "Bureaucratic Ordering Notarization" and after you were done there you'd be filtered to your according class, which was typically the Underbelly.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMrYmXKg3gU)

The bridge was the only thing that separated the levels of the Underbelly and The Mids; underneath the bridge was a massive pit to display the many apartments across the walls of the Underbelly.

Spoder heard the silence as he and his army crossed the bridge. He felt the silence, he smelt the smoke rising, and he was troubled.

*How long had the city been under siege? Days? Weeks? Hours? Where's Anonim? Where's Lopi? Where was StarFan or Meosome? Why was there no screams? We're we too late?*

When his small army had travelled about two-thirds over the bridge, he could sense the ambush.

"Ready your weapons!" He ordered his men and the buzzing began. There was so much buzzing that the bridge itself began to hum with anticipation. A surge of purple menace flew from under the bridge and hovered above the men and women of the army. There was a peculiar-looking one at the front- VaultJumper.

"Spoder! The man to regain sanity and sustain his humanity!" He strained his voice project over the hushed humming. "How are you!?" He laughed maniacally. "No need to answer! I know the answer."

It looked as if VaultJumper's transformation into a BugSecks Alpha was near completion. His skin glowed purple and his eyes were shrouded by illuminated hearts.

"Open fire!" shouted Spoder. His men followed their order; seven archers and ten riflemen fired a repetition of projectiles. Many of the more fragile spawn fell into the dark of the pit.

VaultJumper held out his hand as many of his daughters and sons took aim. They shot their bodies at the army, but it wasn't the army they were aiming for. It was the bridge.

Both ends of the bridge began to crack and sway under the kamikaze attacks of hundreds of the BugSecks flyers. The army kept on slicing and firing into the crowd, but it was no use. The bridge moaned and whined in its demise.

The bridge finally broke. One side fell first and then the other side fell with it. The army followed and descended down the dark. Some could still be seen fighting the menace as they dropped to their fates.


"Get the bodies into the doors, quick!" came a deeper voice in a hurry.

"Most of them don't seem to be breathing!" came another slightly posh voice. Spoder was regaining a small bit of consciousness. He felt himself being dragged through puddles, being dragged beyond the concrete, and through the gravel and finally feeling the dark of a shelter. He could hear the groans of many men before everything went silent once more.


"Do you think there's much more out there?" said a smaller voice from the back. There were many feet moving around the concrete floor. Spoder was coming to again- his fight was in his heart. He leaned off the cot his body was laid on.

He fell to the floor and someone came towards him in a small shuffle.

"It's been hours. Pretty sure if there were more out there- they're probably done for,"  said another one. Spoder hardly even paid attention to the answer. He was still nauseated and on his knees. iLoppio came over to pick him up, but Spoder held out his hand to stop her aid.

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