Between...Buddies / Kill The Interlopers / Turn the Tide

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When writing- time passes so fast for those that love it. It isn't a labor any longer. They long for the words to clean the blank paper. They taper the nothing, and in thus they embroider the love for words in places they will always settle. Do not be alarmed for this spot is only rented, owed to a certain extent, readers come and go and the writer seldom looks back, but the words will always be. The words remember. The words are art to some. The words give life. Words can make wars, and bring death, and bring breath to an imagination stuck inside someone's head. Words give taste and sense smell and will always be grateful, but likewise, words can hate, they can distress, and they can deter people from a life of their own. Words are strong and should always be used sparingly. Words are strong and should be married with the page as a union of grace. *Verba pulchra sunt*.


#EPISODE 14 - Between...Buddies / Kill The Interlopers / Turn the Tide


[Meep could hear the footsteps of Decker fall from out of sight. Just under Psweens and him, he heard the shuffling of paper and even the sound of a broom. It was time to turn back. Psweens had already begun his way back when a small tap came from under them. It was steel against concrete and it made both men's hearts drop cold. Three more taps came from directly in between both the warriors which made them stop immediately. Then one swift hit.](

There was a cloud of smoke, a sinking feeling, Meep and Psweens found themselves on the marble floor, covered in concrete and sitting targets for the Paladin. Janitor? Paladin/Janitor.

By the time Meep had realized where he was, Decker was already near the air and coming down with his war hammer at the young man. It was Psweens that made the first defensive move. He fired a volatile shit post at Decker's chest, knocking him clean out of his jump. Decker was unfazed. He smiled in return.

Both men got up right away. Meep nearly dodged the warhammer again, Pseens axe-kicked it out of his hands. Decker attempted to throw a hook at Psweens, who took the hit directly to the face. Meep returned that gift with an uppercut, but not before getting push-kicked against the wall. Psweens jumped on Decker's back, where he was swiftly thrown towards Meep. Meep kicked down the adjacent door, and they were off, Decker hot on their tails. "Come back here, Heretics!" Psweens and Meep both crashed into the wall as they made a turn. Several arrows were pointing the opposite directions as Meep tried to quickly think of the route back to the exit. The arrows read *Dispersal*.

Decker's heavy Nefril armor slowed him down, but not enough to not be able keep up with the two. They flew past another open office where FrostyJam and ShelteredTortoise waited. They saw two flashes of red and purple blurs and Decker slid inside the door frame. "Tortoise, sound the alarm! It's shitposters!" He continued his chase.

"They're heading right for '*it*'," Frosty said calmly, while Tortoise pressed the mechanism attached to the alarm.

"*IT!?*" Tortoise joined the chase while Frosty remained, sipping her tea. She mixed in more cream.

"I wouldn't be out of the blast radius even if I started to move now. FrostyHawk, please forgive me. I failed you." There was an eerie calm as the sirens rang.

Meep, Psweens, and Decker came sliding around one more corner. "Decker! Let them go! Don't chase them!" But it was no use; the sirens drowned out the scholar's voice. A deafening ringing came over the Marclipsa general as he had an option to turn left or right.

"Right!" Yelled Meep. They both turned towards Dispersal once again.

Right, left, straight, down a small series of stairs, up another, left, straight, right, all the while with Decker still on the coattails of the shitposter duo. Decker had thrown a shitpost of his own at the two, but they nearly avoided it by taking another right, going ever deeper into the facility.

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